Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ten Thought Tuesday

1.  I have one more dose of penicillin to take and my 10 day regimen will be over with. I am feeling so much better! I never want strep again!

2. It is hotter than August here today-  high of 98. This time last week- high of 65. Normal this time of the year is high 70's. Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that!

3. I have tomorrow off work. Savannah is having her wisdom teeth cut out. Say a prayer- for me! She's not worried. I'm so scared- I hate seeing my kids hurt!

4. I told her now she wouldn't be smarter than me! (I had mine out when I was 17!

5. We went camping this weekend. I love camping. I had so much fun playing in the river like a little kid!

6. I hate packing up and driving home, though. We went to Virginia, about a 3 hour drive from here. Dublin, VA, if you want to look it up on the map.

7. I wasn't quite close enough to Sue to drop by- and I was with other people and didn't have the chance. I told Savannah that next spring when we go, we'll take a couple more days and go on up to the Creeper trail. That's always fun.

8. I'm sitting here listening to Harry Connick, Jr. on TV. He's on Great Performances on PBS. He is one of my favorite entertainers!

9. I'm sleepy. We stayed up too late each night this weekend. And I have to get up early in the morning since her surgery is scheduled for 7:30am. Ugh.

10. Good night!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

SAD NEWS -Please join me in remembering YET ANOTHER great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Dough Boy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Dough Boy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children, John Dough, Jane Dough, and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the Oven. Services were held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes. (stolen from FB...)

Ten Tired Thoughts

1. I'm sick. I don't get sick. I don't like being sick.

2. I have strep. I don't think I've ever had strep before. Even my mother can't remember me having it as a child. Strep is not fun.

3. I got strep from my best friend. Her 5 year old had it and gave it to the rest of us.

4. Yes, all of my friends have it. We're also all supposed to go camping this weekend. I sure don't want to have to miss that!

5. I'm tired. Did you know that having strep makes you extremely tired? I'm also tired of being tired. Laying around all day is very boring.

6. There is nothing on TV during the day. Ok, there's nothing on at night either, but daytime is even worse. I'm camping on HGTV, and it is even boring during the day.

7. The doctor gave me penicillin. Not amoxicillin, but pure penicillin. Apparently, the strep virus is somewhat resistant to the amoxicillin and penicillin is working better.

8. Apparently, penicillin also makes my stomach hurt. So I'm taking probiotics too. Fun.

9. At least I'm not as bad off as my friend. She went back to the doctor today feeling worse and has the beginnings of pneumonia. I really don't want that.

10. Funny, my throat didn't really hurt until today, and I started feeling bad on Sunday. And this is day 2 of the antibiotics. Figures.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Picture Perfect- Something Blue

Welcome to



Picture Perfect

A surprise one week only...burst of color themes, as each day we challenge you to post a picture of a specific color. Each morning  the new color will be posted, and you will have all day to post up your picture. Leave your link here so we can all interconnect and share in the celebration of Spring. 

Just one picture per day please, and one that you have taken yourself.

Today's color 



This is the Rocco Maggiore Castle in Assisi, Italy. It isn't blue, but the sky was a vibrant blue on the Thursday afternoon that we spent in this lovely town.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Picture Perfect- Tools of the Trade

Meet Vincenzi. He is sitting at his desk, on which you see the tools of his trade. Vincenzi makes cameos for tourists in a shop in Pompeii. It was incredible to watch him carve away on a shell to leave a beautiful portrait. Vincenzi still uses the same tools that artisans used hundreds of years ago.

This is
Picture Perfect

To see more entries this week, click here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Because I'm a Libra....

I'm usually able to see both sides of an issue. My friends come to me for advice because they know I'm going to consider an angle they haven't even thought of. But this gift is often a curse. Today, it has made me feel sad while most are cheering.

I went to bed early so I didn't hear of Bin Laden's death until this morning. My military son greeted me with the news as I got ready this morning. He was so happy, feeling that his fellow soldiers had done the world a huge favor in removing this monster from the realm. He was happy and exciting, rejoicing at the news.

For some reason I couldn't pinpoint at the time, I was just sad. On one hand, I am very glad that an evil person can no longer harm innocent people. But this was a God-created life, just like everyone else, and I can't help but think that we killed someone and shouldn't be that excited about it. There are reports of people celebrating, even setting off fireworks! I can't be that happy about the loss of a life, no matter whose it is.

Which sets off more conflicts inside of me. I've always supported the death penalty, at least in people like Timothy McVey, Jeffrey Dahmer, and others who have no regard for human life. There is just a point in time that allowing a life to continue is detrimental to life on the planet. Surely, that support should extend to a monster like Bin Laden.

What disturbs me the most is that he was simply executed- no trial, no "presumed innocent until found guilty", nothing but a bullet to the head that ended life. Somehow this seems to me like we're no better than the people we call our enemies.

I'm not saying any of this to detract from our military and their progress in the war against terror. I don't want to get into conspiracy theories, or whether the news stories are true, or whether Bin Laden existed to begin with (yeah, I have heard that one too...) but if we have no regard for a human life, can we expect others to regard our lives, either?

The Libra in me may never figure this one out....