Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday? And I'm Supposed to Think?

1. Considering I left home at 7:30am and walked back in the door at 8:50pm, I'm doing pretty good. Tired, hungry, can't talk but I'm home. Don't know if I have ten thoughts, or can even take ten steps, but I'm trying.

2. Thank goodness work was calm today- for work, anyway. I spent 30 minutes troubleshooting a DVD player for one of the women's groups. It would play the DVD, but only the sound came through. So I found another DVD player, hooked it up, and got the same result. Diagnosis- bad DVD. I hope- I didn't have time to take another DVD over and make sure it worked. Fun for tomorrow.

3. After I left work, I decided to go to Harris Teeter. They had Osteobiflex on sale 50% off. That made it $15 instead of $30. Then I had a $3 coupon. I bought one last week and decided to go back and get another one before they went off sale tomorrow.

4. I was also looking for rat poison because Chris saw something in the attic. According to him it was squirrel size. But I figured rat poison would work. Harris Teeter didn't carry it. That surprised me, but I went to Tractor Supply and found a block of it. It is now in the attic waiting for something to eat it.

5. I managed to find cards at Tractor Supply for my step-sister's 50th birthday on Saturday. She's a horse person and there were lots of cards about putting an old horse out to pasture... yes, we're having her an over the hill party. My step-sister from England (Seaton) is here for the big occasion. I found her a book on healthy aging and one called "Stiff, the Secret Life of Cadavers." Any other ideas are welcome! (I thought about denture cream, wrinkle cream, etc.)

6. After shopping, I went to Savannah's last volleyball game of the year. At least I thought it was going to be. They were 5th seed in the tourney, and had to play in yesterday against the #4 seed. They won that game to get to face the #1 seed today. Considering #1 hadn't lost a game all year (and are a Jr Olympic team year-round) I figured this would end their tourney. But... THEY WON! 20-25; 25-17; 15-7. So now we get to play for the championship on Thursday!

7. After that I had community chorus rehearsal. I'm not directing this time, but had told the director I'd help her lead sectionals. Which is more work than just sitting there singing, especially considering all the yelling I did at the game. I can barely talk. And I'm tired.

8. So I came home to a MESS... three boys cooking themselves dinner. I don't know how they managed to destroy the kitchen, but they did! I don't even have the energy to get upset about it.

9. I wish I had lots of money. I'd send some to Kat so that she could pay for Loki's vet bills and still have some left over to treat herself with. I'd also send some to Leece so she could hire a lawyer and get her girl back with her. If I had enough, I'd share it with everyone. And I'd send some to Susan just because I think she needs a new house- closer to me!

10. My pillow calls- tomorrow will be another crazy day with work, late volleyball practice, church and drama practice. I guess I can rest when I'm dead, right?



  1. Tired, but celebrating volleyball victories is worth it, eh?

  2. I was on such an adrenaline high after the game, I could have ran home. Now I'm coming down- crashing is probably more like it.

  3. "Stiff, the Secret Life of Cadavers." LOL I never heard of that book, I'd love to see it.
    Did you get her some Poise Pads? That's something I can't live without. Nothing like going straight from the Kotex years into the Poise years, next stop-Depends. lol Hey, there ya go, get her a small pack of Depends. lol
    #10 "I guess I can rest when I'm dead, right?" Ha, then you can come back and tell us about the real secret life of cadavers in person, via séance. lol

  4. Wow. I'm tired just reading this. You were busy! Tell Savannah congrats for us. That's just really great news about her v-ball team.

    I'd so love to live closer to you. I keep hoping I'll win the lottery and I'd move all of us there - and get Kat to go there, too!

    *hugs* for you. I hope the boys try to clean up a bit for you. And the OTH party sounds like a lot of fun.

  5. That was quite a day!! Thank you for the Loki thoughts. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy (instead of stressed and strained haha). If I won the lottery I'd share too. I wonder if everyone would do that? I know some people who wouldn't even consider it.

    Susan and I were talking about moving in with you. You have a pool (I really want a pool). hehe

    Your boys cooked? That's good! When mine were home, there were always leftovers, so they'd eat that. They rarely cooked at home - not much need to really. I cooked for an army. Now they do of course (for a living).

    When my friends gave me an OTH party (40) they had posters up that said Older than a tree...stuff like that. All the walls had something on them, black streamers, Spencer's type things. I still have them and the napkins somewhere. (packrat).

  6. That's a great idea, Sue!

    Too funny about the seance. I hope I don't get stuck on earth when I die!

  7. I'll tell Savannah congrats for you. She was proud- she played really well! Had several blocks, great serves, a few kills (which is great for a setter) and really kept her team believing they could win.

  8. You know, I have thoughts about this house, that one day it will be too big for just me. Of course, my kids don't seem in any hurry to leave! But there'd be room for more when they do! Maybe by then, Susan would have her kids out of the house and she and Art can join us. It would be like a big commune here.

    Ooh, we could run our graphics business from here!

  9. That is just really great! *gets out pom poms* =D

  10. That sounds like a dream, Janeen. Seriously...a VERY good dream.

  11. *WHEW*!

    And ... would your graphics commune have room for a couple photographers and their dogs, too? ;)

  12. I would think so, Kippy! There's acres and acres behind me that you could garden, the dogs could run, you could hike and explore...

  13. And if needed, we could help you expand ... we're fairly handy, y'know! ;)

  14. Even better! I always wanted a porch... and a deck!

  15. I'm not too handy but just hand me the stuff and tell me what you need done.
