Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall, EFT, and Scandalon

I had a great weekend in the mountains at the ARE Retreat. This is at a retreat center call Wildacres, which is located at the top of a mountain in Little Switzerland, NC. The weather was gorgeous (if you overlooked the 40 mph winds on Friday) and we were able to have a bonfire and shamanic ceremony on Saturday night.

The leaves are just beginning to turn colors. The reds seemed to go first this year. Temps were down into the 40's at night, which, considering it was 90 here until last week, seemed really COLD! But fall is here- the air has that crisp feeling to it and the oppressive heat and humidity have been put to bed until next year.

This retreat always has a speaker talking about some topic. Then the people attending offer small sessions on things that they are expert in. Considering we have empathists, Reike healers, and more, these can be very interesting. The best one I went to was on EFT. If you don't know what that is, click on that link and check it out.  I was totally skeptical about it working, but in three rounds I couldn't even feel the pain in my back. I was also totally turned off to chocolate (and let me tell you, that is a miracle!) I thought about Kat, because there was a lady there with us who has fibro and was hurting pretty badly. Her pain level went from a 9 to a 1 in four rounds!

I look for God in repetition- coincidences- redundancy- and have found that I was supposed to be drawn to EFT. There is a group of people here at home who want to get together as a wellness group. I thought they were talking more about herbal medicine and nutrition, but the girl told me yesterday that we will be doing EFT and Qi Gong at our first meeting in two weeks. If she had told me that last week, I wouldn't have even known what EFT was!

I also had enough time to finish reading Susan's book, Scandalon. I haven't had time to tell her how wonderful this book was, but I'll tell all of you. Well written, very revealing and insightful, and a first-hand look at life in China as an American. You get a clear sense of the differences in thought and culture. You also get a refreshing look at the redemptive powers of God. Well done, Susan!

I'm still doing laundry and unpacking. Savannah went on a youth retreat this weekend, so I have two people to unpack. Well, she unpacked, but didn't put her suitcase away. I'll put hers up when I get through with mine. For now, I'm still trying to catch up on blogs. I know there's no way to, so if I didn't get by you and there's something really important about it, please let me know!


  1. Amen concerning Susan's book! I have read it. Your retreat sounds great. Worship is wonderful . I had a great time of worship Sunday morning. I saw two old friends I have know since January 1968, Charles and Dan. We had a wonderful time of worship at Lakeview Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, Texas. They talked about cruising in my new cars, listening to 8 track tapes and us teaching each other guitar chords. Dan's son Daniel is is a member of contemporary Christian artist Chris Tomlin's band for nearly a decade. It is a reminder of we don't know our influence or indirect influence in a life. I helped Dan learn to play guitar and played with him for 5 or 6 years in youth group and a Christian band back before there was contemporary Christian. Dan teaches his son Daniel to play. And God uses it in a mighty way. Dan and I were in seminary together and Dan is in a full time itinerant music ministry based out of Nashville.,Tn.

  2. Wow- Chris Tomlin has changed a lot of lives! It is true, we don't know who we influence. The person you smiled at, the one you took a few extra moments to listen to, the hug you gave can all have an impact on someone far beyond what you know. It reminds me to pay attention to the little stuff.

  3. Sounds just wonderful. A person needs to refresh spirtually from time to time.
    It was downright cold here this morning! 40 degress. Brrrr

  4. I'm pretty blown away that your church considers alternate paths. Astounded. Thanks for thinking of me...I'm going to look into it too. Glad you're back! I missed you. And...


  5. I wouldn't say that my "church" considers it (although we're Methodist, so if any mainstream church would, it would be us) but there are people in my church who consider it. I believe it is all connected, not necessarily an alternate path, but part of an intricate web that is more beautiful the more complete it is.

  6. And thanks for the birthday wishes!

  7. I don't remember how I came across info on EFT, but at whatever site I had went to I downloaded an Adobe Acrobat Document about EFT. If you want a copy send me your email address in a pm and I'll email you a copy, or at least try to. I've never sent an Adobe Acrobat Doc as an attachment.
    Hope you're enjoying your Birthday! xoxoxz

    BTW There used to be an ARE camp not far from here before I moved down here. I was really surprised when I found out because this isn't an area where the people are open to the idea of reincarnation. I learned about the ARE and Edgar Cayce back when I still lived in Maryland. I'm getting a sense
    of Déjà vu, I think you and I may have already discussed this in the past, umm, that's the recent past not the 'in a past life' past. lol

  8. Ok, seems I found it on that same site that you listed, after you sign up for their newsletter and the 'Jumpstart Your Health With EFT' a page will open and it has the link for getting the free EFT manual as an Adobe Acrobat Doc:

  9. Ha! Don't hold me accountable for anything that happened in a past life- I have too much responsibility for the present one!

  10. Yes indeed. I appreciate you even more now. xo

  11. The ex and I used to go to Little Switzerland to buy Christmas trees. I think I've mentioned he used to be a broker. One of the few legal things he did...There were some pretty places up there in the hills.

  12. Happy Birthday Janeen! I didn't forget! (Except to get your present in the mail on time.)


  13. I subscribed to the newsletter. I'm still trying to figure out how it works exactly. You said "in three rounds"...we have to talk because I'm not sure what that means. OK?

  14. Sure, just let me know when. Maybe Saturday sometime?

  15. Happy Birthday! ( a little late, as we have been having internet problems); Best Wishes are never too late though, they always come when you need them, lol ~

  16. on another of the topics herein, I went through 14 states during early October and the foilage this year was minimal. Even our old New England trails were unexciting. I got home after dark on the 11th. When I got up and looked out the window, the foilage this fall is here. Just the trip to town was magnificant with fall colors extraordinary! Ironic...

  17. Leaves are just turning in the mountains here- should be beautiful next week. They're a good 2 weeks behind that here!
