Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten Tuesday Thoughts- The Meditation Edition

1. I think I should meditate- I sure don't seem to have any thoughts!

2. Um, oh yeah, Savannah won her volleyball game today. The team is 4-2. She's one of two captains and is the best player on the team. I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom, she got invited to try out for our area Junior Olympic team.

3. We're going to Italy! Over spring break, the art teacher at her school is taking students on a trip. So my mom is paying for the girl and me to go. I'm SUPER excited!

4. I hurt my back again, this time I think lugging the laundry around. I sure don't like not being able to do the things I need to do! Went to the chiropractor today and she said that she could fix me. But boy, I'm sore now!

5. Chris is 2 for 2 today. He got my mom's truck stuck, then he got the tractor stuck trying to get the truck out! Kids!

6. Ummmm.....

7. Ahhhhh....

8. See? I should meditate.  Ohmmmm..... Ohmmmm....

9. Oh, I had 15 women in my Bible study on Sunday night! We're doing Beth Moore's The Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John. I haven't had more than 6 ladies before. Now I feel like I REALLY have to prepare!

10. I'm ready to go to bed. Taking a muscle relaxer and heading to dreamland. Night all!


  1. 1. Hmmm...maybe all of your thoughts are naughty and you just can't type them. I'm on to you!

    2. Way to go Savannah and team! That is awesome. It is soooo fun to watch our children do well!

    3. Whoa, how lucky are you?? Indulge us with pictures upon your return!

    4. I miss my chiropractor.

    5. LOL...that sounds about right!

    6. That counts for meditation sounds.

    7. That counts too.

    8. You ARE getting good practice in with #6-8.

    9. Wow! Good luck!

    10. I love muscle relaxers for sleeping. Wish I had some!

  2. #1 - ohmmm, ohmmmm
    #2 - volleyball is fun. My daughter was on the team, but not too good. But it was fun to attend.
    #3 - Italy? How fun ...
    #4 - you need a good back rub ...
    #5 - how funny (not really) - I did the same thing as a kid. My mom was so made at me.
    #9 - Beth Moore Bible Studies are great - with you leading my guess is they are spectacular. My God bless and honor the faithfulness of your preparation.
    #10 Good night

  3. G'nite!

    Tell Savannah that I'm awfully happy for her! She certainly works hard!

    Let Chris know that things sometimes happen - and we all have had days like that. I know that I have!

    Italy is super totally awesome! I'm so excited for you!

    And I'll meditate with you "Ohmmmmmmmmm....Ohmmmmmmm...."

    Sweet dreams. I hope your back starts to feeling better!

  4. Italy sounds great and Bible Study has an eternal benefit

  5. Italy!!!!!!!!!!! omg!! That's just SO cool!!! You've got lots to get done! Go get it done!

  6. How exciting Janeen... you think your mom would adopt me and I can go too??? Great to finally catch up on what you're been doing. I know how you feel with the back. OUCH. I spent 2 yrs in pain after I pulled mine at work. I hope you do what they tell you and let it heal. HUGS ma sistah xox.

  7. Oh yeah- I'm taking LOTS of pictures! Gotta remember to take extra memory cards!

  8. Thanks Jimmie. I've always been laid back- Beth Moore does such a good job that you don't really have to do anything. I just feel like I need to follow a better outline now- keep the time going better. When it is just a few friends it doesn't really matter how long we take!

  9. I know- I'm excited for her, even to get to try.

  10. I'm excited for you too! I lived in Italy for about a month and a half in 2007 and I loved it! I rented a little studio apartment in Cortona, in the Tuscany region, and that was my home base. I did spend a little time living in Firenze (aka Florence) and some time traveling around here and there in north and central Italy, but mostly I just lived in Cortona, took some classes the first week I was there, and roamed around with phrase-book in hand and the willingness to play charades, lol. Made a few friends while I was there, who I still occasionally hear from. It was lovely!

    If you want to see some pics I took while there, go to my blog site and have a look at my "Italia" pics; might give you some ideas of places to visit. I traveled down to Perugia, as a stopoff on my way to see the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. I stayed in Perugia for 4 days, but unfortunately never made it down to Assisi, due the downpour of rain for the whole time I was there, and as I was told by locals that I would mostly be outside down there, getting around, I just never finished that particular journey.

    Other than a few train trips, and some bus, to other towns, I walked pretty much everywhere, with breaks for snacks and meals, usually the better part of the day, with stops for museums and such, and just checking out everything around me. Have to say the Italians are extremely artistic, and at the same time practical. Guess who designed the uniforms of the police in Italy? Armani! Which gives you some sense of the style you see everywhere there, even in the most mundane of things, which is delightful to see! And most people I met were very friendly and helpful, even if I didn't speak Italian, nor them English. The food was incredible! I ate more meals (and snacks) there than I normally do, but I was walking a LOT ~

    O yeah, one more thing: if you do decide to travel by train anywhere in Italy, make SURE, after you purchase your ticket, that you go outside onto the platform, turn around and look at the wall, and find the bright yellow "ticket puncher" box on the wall, to validate your ticket. If you forget, or no one tells you (and mostly they don't; I found out when another person waiting for the train showed me), and if you get on the train without having validated your ticket, they WILL charge you all over again for another ticket!

  11. Yeah- like passports! Which is going to be fun because I'll have to round up the ex, who won't sign anything....

  12. Thanks sistah! I'm trying to let it heal- some days are better than others. And I wish you could go, too!

  13. We're going with a tour company so hopefully that is all taken care of. We'll fly into Milan, spend 2 days in Florence, 2 days in Rome, a day in Venice, a day in Sienna, and a day in Pompeii. I'm going to do a lot of reading on Italy between now and then (April 2011) and I'll be sure to check out your pics!

  14. Could have sworn I comment here, guess I read this in the email notifications and then forgot to comment. lol
    1. I keep forgetting and putting off listening to my meditation CDs.
    2. That's great!
    3. HURRAY! That's awesome, wish I could go too.
    4. I wish the doctors had sent me to a chiropractor way back when my back first started acting up.
    5. Haha That actually sounds like something I could do. lol
    6, 7, and 8...ditto. lol
    9. Even teachers need goof off time. Relax, your back will thank you.
    10. Hope you rested well.

  15. What cool memories you have to cherish! I'm an 'armchair traveler', I 'explore' the world from the comfort of my sofa. Not as good as being there in person but at least it's a lot cheaper and I don't have to worry about getting lost. lol

  16. I get lost all the time, that's why I call myself "directionally dyslexic", lol. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, unless I'm trying to make an appointment or meet someone for something. I just wander around until I find my self.

    "I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, keep me here."
    (my husband has a t-shirt that says this)

  17. I think so... of course if she makes it, it costs about $600.

  18. I was in Italy many years ago but it is so charming! They sell beautiful leather handbags. I went to Venice wow was that ever lovely! I got coral in a ring and alabaster and hand blown glass. If you get glass hopefully you can carry it on the plane? Ha maybe not nowadays. The people who had theirs sent many of their glass came to their houses thru the post smashed. Thats wonderful news! The Italian food is awesome too!
