Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Another list!

1. Were You Named After Anyone?  My grandmother's name was Janie- mom has the nickname "Teen." I always thought Janeen was a combo of both- but mom says no, they just liked that name! 

2. Do You Like Handwriting? If it is neat and legible. I can type faster than I write, so for me I'd rather type!

3. What Is Your Favorite Lunch Meat?
roast beef

4. Have Kids?
 Yes - 3

5. If You Were
Another Person, Would You Be Friends With You?
Yes I would- I like me!

6. Do You Use Sarcasm A Lot?
No. Or at least I try not to.

7. Do You Still Have Your Tonsils?
 No, I had them out when I was 21. Trust me, take them out as a child! 21 was no fun!

8. Would You Bungee Jump?
um, NO!

9. What Is Your Favorite Cereal? frosted flakes

10. Do You Untie Your Shoes Before You Take Them Off?
No. Sometimes I don't even untie them before I put them back on!

11. What Is Your Favorite Ice Cream?
Birthday cake!

12. What Is The First Thing You Notice About People?
hmm... that's hard. Height, weight, color?

13. Red or Pink?
Red What Is The Least Favorite Thing About Yourself? My fat belly

14. Who Do You Miss The Most?
my daddy

15. Do You Want Everyone To Send This Back To You?
Would be nice!

16. What Color Shoes Are You Wearing?
none- I'm lying on the bed

17. What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
pinto beans with onions. Made a huge batch today!

18. What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Savannah argue with her brother about something downstairs.

19. If You Where A Crayon, What Color Would You Be?
Blue. The color of the sky and ocean, the color of calm and peace.

20. Favorite Smells?
popped popcorn, baking bread, simmering spaghetti sauce

21. Who Was The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone?
my mom

22. Do You Like The Person Who Sent This To You?
Yes I do! Thanks, Jeff!

23. Favorite Sports to Watch?
baseball and football

24. Hair Color?
naturally, it is dark brown. But it has golden highlights so it looks lighter brown than it is.

25. Eye Color?

26. Do You Wear Contacts?
yes and no. I have them, but don't wear them often. Only if I'm going to do something where my glasses will be in the way. Contacts are not comfortable in my eyes!

27. Favorite Food?
Food! Ok, if I have to choose, I'll say medium rare steak cooked on the grill.

28. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
No scary movies!

29. Last Movie You Watched?
Letters to Juliet.

30. What Color Shirt Are You Wearing?

31. Summer Or Winter?
Summer. I love the sun, and I do NOT like to be cold!

32. Hugs Or Kisses?

33. Favorite Dessert?  
cheesecake with cherries

34. Most Likely To Respond?
don't know

35. Least Likely To Respond?
someone who didn't read this

36. What Book Are You Reading Now?
Just finished "The Forgotten Garden" and am still in the middle of "Savannah" (which I'm reading for at least the 5th time!) The Bible, and I'm supposed to be reading something for book club, but I forgot what it was. Oh well, I'll just bring wine!

37. Where Would You Like To Go On Vacation?
Going to Italy in the spring! Yay! I'd also like to see the Grand Canyon.

38. Where is the most different place you ever went on vacation? 
Has to be Montana/Wyoming. Wide open spaces out there. You can see for miles and not see a house or a car!

39. What Is On Your Mouse Pad? A blue bump to rest my wrist on.

40. Favorite Sound?
I like Jeff's answer- silence! I don't mind crickets on a summer evening, either.

41. Rolling Stones Or Beatles?
Why do I have to choose?

42. What Is The Farthest You Have Been From Home?

43. Do You Have A Special Talent
Music. Laughter.

44. Whose Answers Are You Looking Forward To Getting Back?
All my friends!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

PP- Vanishing Point



Picture Perfect

the theme this week is


The Vanishing Point


The Rules of the Game are here.

I know a country laced with roads, 
They join the hills and they span the brooks,
They weave like a shuttle between broad fields,
And slide discreetly through hidden nooks.
They are canopied like a Persian dome
And carpeted with orient dyes.
They are myriad-voiced, and musical,
And scented with happiest memories. - Amy Lowell

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Great Ornament Exchange Returns

If you missed it last year, The Great Ornament Exchange is back for year two! Actually, I have already had two people ask me about it on Facebook- they're in!

In case you're new to my page (or weren't paying attention last year) here's how it works. Send me a pm stating you want to be part of the exchange. Around the end of October, I'll pm everyone who is participating with everyone's address. You make, buy, or re-purpose a Christmas ornament to every person on the list. (If the list gets too big, we'll talk about what to do so we're not sending out a crazy number of ornaments!) Last year, I think we had 8 people, so that meant you were mailing out 7 ornaments (because you don't send one to yourself!)

These pictures are some of the actual ornaments I received!

This was a lot of fun and I got some things that I would never have had otherwise. Some were wonderfully handmade and others were just cute store-bought items. The ornament didn't seem to matter as much as the connection with the person sending it. I got so excited just going to check the mailbox! Since some were my friends and some were friends of my friends, there were people on the list I didn't know well, but now I feel like I do!

So again, if you want to join, pm me your address. I'll only share it with those in the exchange

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten Tuesday Thoughts- The Meditation Edition

1. I think I should meditate- I sure don't seem to have any thoughts!

2. Um, oh yeah, Savannah won her volleyball game today. The team is 4-2. She's one of two captains and is the best player on the team. I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom, she got invited to try out for our area Junior Olympic team.

3. We're going to Italy! Over spring break, the art teacher at her school is taking students on a trip. So my mom is paying for the girl and me to go. I'm SUPER excited!

4. I hurt my back again, this time I think lugging the laundry around. I sure don't like not being able to do the things I need to do! Went to the chiropractor today and she said that she could fix me. But boy, I'm sore now!

5. Chris is 2 for 2 today. He got my mom's truck stuck, then he got the tractor stuck trying to get the truck out! Kids!

6. Ummmm.....

7. Ahhhhh....

8. See? I should meditate.  Ohmmmm..... Ohmmmm....

9. Oh, I had 15 women in my Bible study on Sunday night! We're doing Beth Moore's The Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John. I haven't had more than 6 ladies before. Now I feel like I REALLY have to prepare!

10. I'm ready to go to bed. Taking a muscle relaxer and heading to dreamland. Night all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Lost a Day....

... And I don't think I'm going to find it! I work 30 hours a week. Well, it takes me 30 hours at least to do my job each week. So on short weeks, I just work that much harder the other four days.

I don't know if it is Murphy's Law or just the way the universe turns, but short weeks always seem to come with their own "surprise" that means more work. This week is no exception. There's a funeral in the morning. Which means I won't get out of work on time again tomorrow.

Now before you think I'm complaining too much, I have to say that I love my job. I can't imagine doing anything else. So I don't usually mind staying late. I'm just wondering how many other people have jobs like this- ones that, if you're not there to do them, you just have to do them later?