Sunday, February 10, 2008

Its a Windy Sunday

It is a really windy day today, but beautiful! I"m so ready for spring- just tired of being cold! Have you ever just felt like there is something big that is going to happen- but you don't know what? Like you're waiting for something awesome, but you aren't waiting for anything? That is what my life feels like right now. Maybe it is because a lot of things seem like they're finally on the right track. The divorce is moving ahead. My exercise and diet feel like they're back on track after standing still for a bit. (For those of you who don't know, I lost 50 lbs a year ago and still have about 20 left to lose, but I've been at a stand-still for about 6 months.) My new relationship is getting more comfortable (still friends!) but a lot of people have assumed we're dating. (Maybe we are and just don't know it!) And the kids are in a better place- counseling works wonders sometimes. So does having the Holy Spirit move in your life, which is what has happened to the boys lately. So I feel like we're on the verge of something great. I just don't know what it is!

The sermon today was on the parable of the talents. I really like that one, because it challenges you to use the gifts you are given, no matter whether they seem silly or unimportant. I think for once, I feel like I'm in a good place with children's worship. That seems to be what I was made to do- get out and be silly and dance and sing so that these kids will love God. Heck, even if I'm just setting chairs up for it, it seems like the right thing to be doing. Maybe that is where the contentment is coming from- knowing that there is some great plan out there for my life, even if I don't know what it is!


  1. I hate dieting. I just don't have the will power to leave all the good stuff, ie: fattening stuff, alone. I'm a sucker for sweet stuff, I hate to say. That and anything that's full of starch. Go figure. I hope you get to your goal, though. It sounds like you've been working hard at it.

    The sermon sounds really good. I just don't know how to use my talents. lol!

  2. It's been awhile since I have felt that energy swirl around me. But I can see it whirling around you. It's a good wave, and you have the nerve to ride it which is very positive. I feel like I'm still the old rock in the stream, and the river is still going around me, which is ok because I'm not going backwards anyway. Enjoy the blessings.

  3. It's pretty windy where I'm at today too. It's a whopping 15 degrees to add to that too.

  4. Ok, so I'll stop complaining about the cold, then!

  5. Yeah...but with that other thing I'm dealing, I would gladly trade you.

  6. I supposed everyone has to deal with something! Yours will get better!

  7. I have to get better and I WILL get better.

  8. One of the most important elements of surviving major change in our lives is the presence of hope. Hebrews says that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. If we can believe in the good, then it will manifest. It is when we lose hope that the vision fades. I think this is why we are to encourage one another ...

  9. Thanks! I do so believe in hope, and the power of positive thinking!

  10. Ride the way Momma...ride the wave!!
