Monday, January 2, 2012

Yada yada...

I don't like New Year's resolutions. I think they're wonderful for about a week, then they mean nothing. Yeah, I need to lose weight, spend less money, exercise more... but I need to do that all year long, not just at the beginning of the year!

However, I do think the new year is a time for new beginnings. It can be a catalyst for change if you let it. So I've been thinking about what I want to do differently in 2012 besides the usual. And I drew a blank.... until today.

I noticed that a friend was going to be in town this week who I haven't seen in almost 25 years (we figured spring of 1987 was the last time.) This is a fellow saxophone major who left college in our sophomore year to try to make it big in New York City. We kept in touch for a year between several friends, but most of us lost touch afterward. Facebook has made us friends again.

John (pictured above) made it in "the biz" and is touring with the Broadway road tour of "Memphis." They're in Charlotte this week so he and I made plans to meet for lunch today. Part of me didn't want to go- it meant driving (and parking) in downtown Charlotte, taking about 4 hours of my day off, and chancing meeting a friend who I may find out I didn't really know after all.

But I shouldn't have even worried about it at all! We had a blast- found a wonderful soul food restaurant and spent 3 hours catching up, possibly sharing details of our lives that we wouldn't share with people we were in contact with every day. It was like those 25 years weren't there between us and we were able to just fall back into a friendship that has existed all that time. 

So I think this could be something to work toward in 2012- reconnecting with people. I don't know who or when, but somehow I shouldn't let 25 years go by if I can help it. I need to take a chance and step out there, make some contacts, and see what I can put together. And it may mean meeting some online people in person, too. Since Susan and I spent a day with her family in Dollywood 2 years ago, I haven't connected with anyone else online. And I understand that Eby Jo and Bill and Karen had fun today in Kentucky- so it can be done!

I don't know where and how, but I'd love to take some day trips to those of you close enough. Or try to take a vacation close to some friends. I'll have to give it more thought, but this is more than one of those resolutions that will be gone in a week. Even if it is another year before I see anyone, it will be a step forward.


  1. I'm glad your time with an old friend was such fun. Rarely do I find I have much left in common with those I've lost touch with over the years.

    One day - not this day, obviously - I want to travel and discover my own country. I will get a chance to see the UK if all goes as planned this year (spring or summer), but there are so many places I haven't seen in my own world.

  2. This blog is the reason a LIKE button needs to be a Multiply option. I am so glad you had such a good time. When are you coming to Chicago? LOL

  3. I was really worried that it was going to be awkward... but it wasn't! I should learn to not worry so much!

  4. Chicago has to be on the list- too many friends up that way for it not to be!

  5. Jan I think your idea is great. I'm pretty sure Kathmandu is going to be much too far away but anyway, the welcome will always be there.

  6. Like you show up, he takes a good look at you and says, "Who are you?"

  7. We still need to go to Charlie Parkers! And Art and I found a little place called the Garden of Eat'n! lol!

  8. I'm glad that you had such a good time with your friend from so many years ago. That must have been quite a surprise for both of you.

  9. I dont make resolutions. Ever notice how they are not fun? Its usually lose weight or get rid of clutter and other stuff........that always sounds like work. Now if I didnt do it all yr......Im surely not gonna just change my mind on Jan. 1. lol But what I do is when I get in a mood and reflect on my life now and then.....I take stock of where I am and where Id like to go. I dont do it much. But its good to review choices that you made in your life and if your where you would like to be , now and then.

  10. How wonderful to reconnect with an old friend! Sounds good!

    I don't make new year's resolutions either. But I read a blog yesterday where someone picked a word for the upcoming year. She choose 'hope' as a lot is going on in her life.
    I really like the idea so my word for 2012 will be 'adventure' ... I have closed some door behind me last year and now it's an adventure to see what new doors will open. I know it will involve meeting new people so that will be exciting!

    You're always welcome in the Netherlands of course! A great country for a vacation, lol!

  11. Like you, I never bother with resolutions either.

  12. Very cool story. Of course I'm living with my sweetheart who FB let me re-find after over 3 decades.

  13. Interesting viewpoint. In 50 years I have adhered to exactly two New Years was to not salt my food after it is prepared......only to find out 11 years later that salt wasn't that bad for us after all. That was A LOT of years eating bad french fries (I was told in 2004 that my sodium count was life threateningly I salt everything). The other was a commitment to loose weight in 2004. I started the Atkins diet and dropped from 211 lbs to 167 lbs in five months. Seven years later I am finally back up to 189 lbs (I am 6'2"), with a digestive system that will never be normal again.

    That said......we wrote down our resolutions this year. Among the normal (lose weight, work out.....yada, yada, yada), we included "return to church". Both my wife and I are very moral people, and I was once a leader in the Episcopal church. we have lost our way on that over the last few years.........and we are going to turn that around this year.

  14. Come on over!! And your friend is cute. Just saying.

  15. That is pretty awesome! Always nice to catch up with old friends. Glad things went better than what you were thinking.

    By the way, we up here in Minnesota are only 8 hours from Chicago :)

  16. This is a great 'resolution' and I've wanted to do it myself, but like all other resolutions for me, I never have the time or never set forth the effort to do it.

    I'm glad you were able to share some wonderful time with an old friend.

  17. can your new year resolution be sending Iggy a gift?

  18. I know what you mean about resolutions getting laid by the roadside! I've tried to do a little each day toward being the kind of person God wants me to be....Same resolution each year...and the only important one for me....the weight thing...I do what I can, but it's all a tiny part of just being a child of God.......Boy! Is that reflective or WHAT!!! Love and Hugs, dear friend! We're closer, so remember if you're up in this neck of the woods, come on in!!!

  19. Dai- I thought of you when I was writing this! If I had a free ticket to anywhere, I'd use it to come see you and Kumar! Unfortunately, my pockets aren't that deep. Maybe someday....

    Exactly Ajax. We were friends who had two different life directions, and we have traveled those distinctly different paths. I was afraid there'd be no common ground. But we spent three hours talking about music, children, computers....

    Sea, I don't like to dwell on choices too much. All roads lead to here, and I'm in a good place. If I changed the bad, then maybe the good wouldn't be so good either.

    Adding the Netherlands to my list Riete! I need a huge windfall...

    Gee Dave, so does that mean you're not coming to see me any time soon?

    I am still so happy for you Bill! Isn't it funny that sometimes when we're looking for something, it is right under our nose?

    Lee, I hope you find the right church! That's an awesome resolution, and one that will make other changes in your life too. It is so easy to get out of the habit and so hard to get back into it. I'll say a prayer that you find the place that you're excited to attend each week!

    Kat, you know you're on my list! And yes, he's still as cute as I remembered. And still the totally wrong person for me, like 25 years ago. But it is nice to know that there are friends beyond the attraction.

    Ok Dave, Chicago, Minnesota.... got it!

    Thanks Leece. I try to not do "resolutions" but focus on a change. I hope this one sticks!

    *packing up Iggy the rest of the reindeer poop*

    Karen, Eby seemed so excited about your visit! I'd love to make a Kentucky stop sometime. I think you're about an 8 hour drive- so won't be soon. But it might work into a future vacation somehow!

  20. If we still had a reason to go to Virginia, I would. Lynns grandparents lived there, sadly they are no longer with us(physically).

  21. That made me think of something, Dave- anyone heading through or near NC could give me a shout. I'll meet you if I can!

  22. you didn't tell me that, billy. that is pretty neato.

  23. How cool! I'm not into resolutions either and I see it like you, a new year, new ways to look at life. I'd also like to be able to meet friends I'm close to on here. We put our lives out there and because of the magic of the net we meet some wonderful friends from all around the globe. If I ever win the lotto, I'll be a travelin' man the rest of my life! (-:

  24. I'm with you Greg- I just have to buy a ticket every now and then so I have a chance!
