Tuesday, January 10, 2012

T3- From Romeo and Juliet to Ghostly Girls

The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

1. I'm thinking about language tonight. Savannah has to memorize the prologue to Romeo and Juliet. It is hard to read, but wonderful to dive into the richness of a language that we have lost. Have you ever thought of all the words we don't use anymore? I doubt if anyone in Shakespearean England ever said "say what?"

2. I love my Kindle. Not only because I could just go there and download and begin to read right away, but also because of the built-in dictionary. If I am unsure of a meaning, I just put the cursor right before the word and the definition pops up. I've used this feature a lot, because I usually know enough about the word to not actually have to look it up in a dictionary, but with this handy tool, I can be sure of every nuance of the word.

3. While I was downloading Romeo and Juliet, I also downloaded A Midsummer Night's Dream. That is my favorite! Probably because I love the mischievous Puck, but I also love how the humans sleep while the fairies mess with their lives!

4. Ok, so I know there are no such things as fairies... or are there? Don't you know there is more out there than what we can see? A friend sent me a picture of a ghost today. If I didn't know the girl who sent it, I wouldn't believe that it was a real, undoctored picture. But it was. A ghost- right there.  See her?

5. Yes, I do believe in ghosts. I don't know why they're here- I hate to think you could get "stuck" here after you die- but I know the Bible talks about them. And there are demons- that is even more scary. Because you really can't believe in one and not the other.

6. Then there are angels. Not the fluffy, dress-wearing, harp-playing ones, but the heavenly army, armed to do the work of God. That might be scarier than the ghosts!

7. So what else- aliens? You'd have to work a little harder to convince me of their existence in a pop-culture way. No little green men showing up to do medical experiments
on me! But I do believe that there is life "out there" - I mean, look how vast the universe is! And you're going to tell me that we're the only intelligent life? (And I could argue the intelligence of some people some days!)

8. And of course, those of you who know me know that I believe in God, and in Jesus. Their existence doesn't depend on my belief, but my existence certainly depends on them!

9. So yes, it is dangerous to get me started thinking. My mind spirals off in countless directions. Aren't you glad you read this far?

10. It is bedtime. I've been having issues with sleep- mostly, I'm tired until it is time to go to bed and then I'm up until 11:30 or so. I need to be asleep a
n hour before that! I guess I haven't recovered from turning the clocks back. Maybe that is good- we'll be in Belize in 4 weeks and on central time for awhile. Maybe that will help straighten my sleep patterns out!


  1. There are ghosts playing with this post... I don't know why the text won't be one color!

  2. They now reckon Shakespeare didn't write any of the work credited to him. They "think" he was illiterate. go figure!

  3. I've never mastered the meter of Shakespeare, Janeen. I have noticed that sometimes he has complete rhyme and meter and then it slips off into a free verse. His stories are still most excellent to read.

    Laz has a Kindle Fire. It's nice...but I find it harder to figure out than an iPad or the iTouch. I have to police his internet usage on it. Some of the gaming forums he belongs to...have less than upstanding people using them and are more than willing to lead Laz in the wrong direction, like some of the more hard core Manga. I've had to confiscate it and restrict all computer usage. Otherwise, the availability of books is excellent.

    There are fairies...and ghosts. I do see the ghost in the photograph. There's a podcast that I listen to for film photography...and the ghosts in photographs are explained away by either a light leak in the camera, a sun flare or light flare of some sort, or just plain old boring human manipulation with either a double exposure or manipulation in the darkroom. I don't believe them that's the case with every ghost photograph taken.

    I'm not sure which would scare me more....a demon or one of God's warrior angels. The presence of something so holy, in the case of the angels, is supposed to bring terror, awe and a myriad of emotions to a person. I suppose it would be the fear of judgement and that we would be found lacking would be enough to cause terror or horror in a person.

    Aliens? I hope you don't mean the X-Files type of aliens...the ones that hide among us here, kidnap humans for their experiments. In the vast universe, we can't be the only intelligent life. Then again, like you, I sometimes wonder about the intelligence of life here on Earth, too. :/

    My mind will wander off in countless directions with yours. You always have something interesting and thought provoking to say.

    Belize? I think I've missed something.

  4. I wish I could submerge myself into the classics. I just have a really hard time reading them for some reason. Though the story lines and plots are always great.
    I was blessed enough to get a Nook for Christmas and I love it. Nothing will replace the feel of holding a real book so I won't be giving up those any time soon. But the convenience of the nook is amazing.
    Are you going on a mission? I hope you have a wonderful time there either way. :)

  5. Belize is a mission trip. Leading worship at several churches and working with a street ministry there. I'm excited, although I think crime is a little higher than NY, Dave- they have some rough gangs.

  6. Jamie, I'm glad you like your Nook! Nothing replaces paper, but I do love being able to put it in a ziplock bag and read in the tub or at the pool without getting the pages wet!

  7. 1. I love words and language too.
    2. So many people have a Kindle or Kindle Fire, I think I want one too. Everyone is happy with them.
    3. It's been years since I read A Midsummer Night's Dream.
    4. Nothing is real, everything is possible.
    5. "I do believe in spooks...I do I do I do" (do you remember where that's from?)
    6. I know there are spirits, not sure of their hierarchy or how they define their stations, but angel is a good word.
    7. There must be life outside of our solar system. The universe is so vast. It seems self-absorbed to believe anything else.
    8. I know you!
    9. Things like 'thinking' keep me awake at night too.
    10. I'm over the time change, I just can't seem to get past whatever keeps me awake! Belize...I'll have to google where that is.

  8. I love me some Cowardly Lion!

    I read the first scene of Midsummer last night. It wasn't as hard to read or understand as I remembered. This is going to be fun!

    And Belize is directly south of Cancun- east of Guatamala. It used to be British Honduras.

  9. Our language has changed so much over the centuries. If we could go back in time, we would have a hard time understanding our ancestors.
    I believe in ghosts and I believe in all the vastness of the universe, we certainly aren't alone. I imagine on another planet far far away someone is debating it just as we are.
    The Kindle sounds cool, that's a cool feature. I have a dictionary right by my puter. (-;

  10. You are going to sweat in Belize. There used to be lots of British Gurkha soldiers stationed there but not sure these days. Jan, sorry to dampen this but I have always hated reading Shakespeare. In school I had to act in many Shakespeare plays but I could never really see the point. I have had only one ghost experience in my life otherwise I didn't believe. Well I'm still not sure about it all. You can fly from Charlotte to Belize via Kathmandu. It's a shortcut.

  11. You sound like some of the men I know with their "shortcuts" that take longer than the original way! Ha!

  12. Hello and Greetings,
    I love to read all types of genres for books and movies too so I can understand your passion for the classics. The picture of the spirit is so interesting. She looks like a little girl to me. I have had some encounters with ghosts and one time I actually thought it was a real person and spoke to her until she vanished in front of my eyes!

    Our world is so mysterious, we have no idea what is actually around. But other beings, like angels, fairies, I definitely believe are around. My grandfather once saw a UFO while working in the farm with other family relatives and he was so scared that he ran so quickly back home. They were all so scared...

    Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

    Be blessed...

    Thalia xoxo
