Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Achoo, it's Tuesday

1. Since I was off yesterday, today felt like Monday. But I see it is time to think again. Doing this weekly is giving my brain some exercise.

2. We were in Richmond VA all weekend for a huge volleyball tournament. There were 48 courts with games happening each hour. You can't imagine the noise. Since I have a cold and my ears are stopped up, it was even worse.

3. Good part is Savannah's team won their division! We were all happy when we realized the worst they could finish going into Monday was third. Since they were up against the two biggest clubs around (one from Raleigh and one from Charlotte) we were glad of that third place guarantee. But they beat both of those clubs to win it all!

4. Makes being sick, in hotels, on the road, not seem quite so miserable.

5. Yes, I worked today but tomorrow I'm going in late. I took two Nyquil tablets and had some Bailey's over ice... so if I doze off in the middle of this, you'll know where I went!

6. Two more weeks and I'll be packing for Belize. I'm excited, and also a little nervous. I don't like leaving my girl for a week- plus, I'm going to be missing two volleyball tournaments!

7. I came home today with the intentions of taking some cold medicine and taking a nap. I fell asleep before I could take the medicine. Guess I needed the sleep, huh?

8. I hate being sick. Luckily it doesn't happen much. My ears hurt from the pressure and it is making my teeth hurt.

9. I was supposed to go to weight watchers tonight. Guess they're going to have to see me next week. I had lost 5 lbs as of last week. I'm hoping being sick (and not paying attention) doesn't hurt too much.

10. Why is it that food is a comfort? All I wanted today was soup, bread, and potatoes. Comfort food.


  1. 1. Tuesday is always relegated into being Monday after a long weekend. Wednesday gets the week back to normal.

    2. Wow! That's a HUGE tournament!

    3. & 4. Congrats to Savannah and her teammates! And yes, the girls winning like that does make being miserable not so miserable!

    5. If you fall asleep, I'll be really quiet.

    6. Belize!!!!!!!

    7. Yes, you need the sleep!

    8. Being sick is NEVER any fun.

    9. If you're sick, you'll probably still lose weight.

    10. Food is always a comfort!

  2. belize! I somehow missed the story about this! how exciting!

    and bailey's over ice! go for it girl... am sure your mixture will grant you a wonderful night's sleep..... sleep well!

  3. 1. I wish I had yesterday off. It was slow at work!
    2. Worse than a concert crowd I imagine.
    3. Congrats to Savannah and the team!
    4. There's a silver lining in every cloud (-;
    5. Hope you get well soon Janeen. I'm always catching some bug this time of year.
    6. You'll have lots of fun. Pictures, take pictures!
    7. These bugs can wear you down for sure.
    8. Ouch! I know how awful that feels. *Hugs*
    9. Don't worry about that. Just get better. (-:
    10. I don't know but it sure is.

  4. I was sick last night, but woke up this morning feeling so much better. It's been a rotten day. I guess there is grace in the fact that I didn't have to slay dragon on my death bed. ;)

  5. I hope you feel better soon and a huge congrats to the girls for their win!

  6. 1. We worked.
    2. I've driven past Richmond, never stopped.
    3. Go Savannah!
    4. I guess...not sure I'd be able to do it if I was sick anymore.
    5. haha...did you wake up with squares on your cheek and drool on the keyboard?
    6. Belize! I have to google it again. I did it once and promptly forgot where it is. Do you need any clothes? I have more...
    7. yup. Tired girl. Your body knows.
    8. Oh me tooo.
    9. I'm eating potato chips thinking " yeah, I should do Weight Watchers"....
    10. I don't know either. But it is always nice to indulge when you don't feel well.


  7. Wooohoooo about the volleyball and the 5 pounds!

  8. I'm good on clothes... but that black sweater has felt so good! Its been my favorite thing to wear the past few days. So soft and warm. I finally put your Christmas box in the mail today - that will probably make it an early Valentine box! Yeah... we'll go with that! Ha!

  9. I cracked a rib (I think) last week and I've been in agony (between pain killers wearing off and taking others), oh yes and I've had a bit of the cold too but who knows how but I managed to shake that off. Probably in too much pain or perhaps due to sleeping in the afternoon cos I've woke 100 times at night with my side.
    Maybe I should try staying in a hotel LOL!!

    Go Savannah! :)

  10. Yea CHAMPS! Try some Frangelica with that Bailey's umm umm GOOD! I hope you feel better soon. A Cavaet however, nothing helps with weight loss more than being sick and run down! It isn't worth it 4 sure.

  11. Ouch Dave- what did you do? I'd offer to come be your nurse, but you really don't want to sneeze while your ribs hurt!

  12. It feels worse today so I'm off down to the Dr, I just hope she gives me strong, Very strong pain killers LOL
    Knowing my luck, I'll be sent for an xray :-/

  13. I'll be praying for you- let me know what the doc says!

  14. It's as I thought, I have a cracked rib. Who knows how I did that!! Sooo she gave me stronger Ibuprofen, whooppee-doo!
    I was hoping for something, Anything stronger LOL.

  15. Yeah, stronger ibuprophen isn't all that great- doesn't she know you could just take 4 regular ones and have it be the same thing?

    Wonder what you did- seems like you'd remember something bad enough to crack a rib!

  16. You'd think so wouldn't you? Knowing me it was probably getting something out of the shopping trolley (cart) LOL
