Friday, September 23, 2011

Picture Perfect- Letters in Nature

So this time, Gator has challenged us to find letters in nature. I have a ton of pictures that I took in Italy, and with all the towers it was going to be easy to find the letter I! Then, I came across this picture. It reminded me of trying to write my m's in cursive. You know, when you're not sure how many humps they have and you just keep on going? Oh, and you don't always get them even either.

This picture was taken in Verona at their Roman Colosseum, which is not a ruin but is still used for outdoor operas.

Find more Picture Perfect HERE.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Tuesday!

1. I'm not sure I have 10 thoughts...

2. I'm enjoying my Kindle. Never thought I would, though. I love books so much, but the Kindle is super handy! I am currently carrying around 53 books in my purse, most of which were free!

3. Work has just gone nuts. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster where you're not belted in good... just have to hang on! Relief is coming soon- they're hiring two people at the end of October. Just in the nick of time!

4. I'm bored with food. (That's not keeping me from eating, however!) I'm just tired of the same old stuff. And I haven't had much time at home to experiment with new recipes. Now that the weather is cool, I might pull out the crock pot and make some different things. I just need to remember to do that BEFORE I leave for work!

5. I'm going on a retreat next week! I can't wait- it is my yearly ARE workshop. This year, we're talking about dreams. I've been trying to keep a dream journal the past week. Problem is, once I'm awake enough to remember that I'm supposed to be writing my dreams down, they have begun to fade. I'm getting better at it, though.

6. Here's the link to the workshop if you're interested:

7. Mom is supposed to be my roomie for the weekend. I hope she gets to go. They have put my stepfather in a Hospice facility. He had a small stroke last week and mom can't care for him alone anymore. This is a fantastic, brand new facility close to home. So far, he loves it there. I just hope she will feel like leaving him for three days.

8. I'm thinking....

9. I'm thinking I was right... I don't have 10 thoughts.

10. How about this? Good night peeps!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Help a 7th Grader

A friend of mine is a single mom struggling to make ends meet. She created this site to take donations from her friends (and friends of others) so her 7th grader can afford to go on a school trip to Washington, DC. I used the site and paid with PayPal, which is totally safe.

If you have $5, $10, or more to spare, why not pitch in? I'm a single mom and know what it is like to try to give your children what comes easier to others.

Thanks for caring!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ten Frazzled Thoughts

1. I thought once school started things would calm down around here but we're still running wide open!

2. From the middle of July until now there have only been a handful of nights that I was home before 8pm. Tonight was no different.

3. At least most of the things keeping me out are things I like doing- vacation bible school, mission trips, campmeeting, camping, etc.

4. We went camping over the weekend and ended up coming home a day early. The forecast was for lots of rain. It rained on us Saturday, then Sunday was pretty. We got out of there! The river had risen 6 inches in that one day and they were calling for 8-10 inches of rain on Monday. Even without the safety factor, packing up a wet tent is not fun!

5. Turned out to be a good thing. We had all of Monday just to laze around. I went over to my friends' house and we ate the rest of the food we took camping.

6. I have to go back to weight watchers. I have been exercising pretty faithfully but I still have put on 4 lbs. since the middle of July! Yikes... wrong way...

7. The other thing keeping me busy is Savannah and her volleyball games. She made the varsity team as a freshman and is the STAR of the team- their leading scorer. So much that the local paper named her their athlete of the week last week. That's out of 4 high schools!

8. I am enjoying watching her play. I thought I wouldn't go to the away games (freshman on varsity usually means bench warmer...) but I don't want to miss a game!

9. Our children's worship is gearing up to start this Sunday after a summer break. We still have a lot of work to do, although we almost finished painting sets tonight.

10. I am sorry I've been so slack posting blogs lately... I have been reading a lot and commenting on some. Just want you all to know I'm still around and paying attention!