Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have these two guys in my office this morning. Someone put them out overnight here. They're really friendly, but totally curious. They spent an hour exploring every inch of my tiny space. Our landscape guy is coming by to take them with him. He wants some barn cats, but thinks these might end up in the house!

For some reason, I thought of Kat and Susan... and I considered taking in two strays for a minute. I just don't know what Roxy would do. She runs off squirrels and birds. I can only imagine what she'd do to a kitty!


  1. lol i'm a dog person, but these are 2 cute kitties!

  2. They look cute (but I'm more of a dog person too, lol)

  3. WOW...the tiger guy looks just like Jazz! You'd be surprised how dogs and cats adapt to eachother. I was getting all excited because you were going to have 2 kittens in the house!! I'm glad you're finding them a home.

  4. I can't have them in the house... not and be able to breathe, anyway. They'd have to stay outside. Luckily, they found a good home without me having to worry about it!

  5. LOL as if Kat doesn't have enough!

  6. Awwwww! They are beautiful!!! I'm so glad you found them a good home!!! I'm an any critter person! Well, except reptiles!!! lol

  7. They are beautiful! That's great someones going to take them.
    I want to get a dachshund one day, but crappy pants my cat Boo boo
    with her acting out deathly scared of a dog and wont accept any other cat,
    Ill have to wait. A long time too! Id never want to see her gone..she is about
    8 or 9, but she makes it feel not fair I cant get the kind of dog I want now..oh well for now.

  8. Awe, I love the black and white one.

  9. Hmmmmm...I'd keep them. lol! And love them and hug them and pet them and call them...GEORGE! *giggles*

  10. The landscaper was funny... one was a boy kitty and the other was a girl kitty. He said he was going to name them Sampson and Delilah!

  11. Delilah is the black and white one- she was the cutest thing ever!

  12. What cuties! I'm a dog person too, only because I'm allergic to cats, horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, pigs........I think you get the picture :)

  13. Just don't shave the fur off Sampson! =D

  14. The one good thing about all this is that they found a good home.

  15. Nice that someone took them. Hope they didn't drop any flea eggs while they were visiting.

  16. They are so cute! If I lived anywhere near you, I'd take them home with me!

  17. Someone just left them? Ugh. I see so much of that at my work and it's starting to become so hard to deal with!

    I hope they find a nice home...or barn!

  18. They did- I didn't even have to make the decision- the landscaper came right in and said "I want them!"

  19. I was wondering Jan, how long does it take from Denver to Schenectady ? It's just two inches on my map but that may be deceiving.

  20. Probably about 12-14 hours of driving... something like that. It is 700-800 miles.

  21. Wow that is a big journey. I hadn't realised.

  22. I know, it is easy to think that people are much closer- the internet has let us BE much closer!

  23. Yes I suppose in the same way we could look at a map and Kathmandu is only a few inches away but ..............................

  24. I can never stop being thankful for the magic of the internet. I can't imagine how we lived before it came along

  25. I would never have known you or Kat or lots of others who I consider real friends!
