Saturday, July 16, 2011

I've been intending to write a blog... but life keeps getting in the way! VBS at church all week this week and a mission trip the next... maybe I'll get to write that blog in August!


  1. ROFL! I know you're busy. Besides, if I need my serious Janeen fix, I can always text you.

  2. I know, I just feel like I've abandoned you lately. Maybe I should text YOU - get my Susan fix! I'd need to text Kat, too. I miss her!

  3. Nah. You've not abandoned me. I know you're super busy and I really don't have a lot to keep me busy...or I didn't until this upcoming week. Martial arts and the gym every night after work. Of course, I'd have to start this during a freaking heat wave... *sigh*

  4. busy is good.... will look forward to your blog and some photos! ....

    I only seem to write one blog a week lately .... [besides posting photos]

  5. I understand completely!! Life has a habit of doing that!!! But it's better than the alternative!!! I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!! Always enjoy hearing from you no matter when!! Hugs!!!!!!

  6. Imagine what a great blog that will be in August ... with all you're adventures during VBS and the trip! Enjoy it all!!

  7. I hope so Momma D! I miss reading your posts!!! =) Enjoy the next 2 weeks...

  8. You will have plenty of blog material when you return.

  9. We couldn't get in or out of where I live today, there's the annual MASSIVE JW convention on! (fills the football stadium) - Speaking of churches.

    Stay well x

  10. Life has a way of getting in the way doesn't it? But being busy is good. And I know how to find you!! Enjoy the week my friend. I'll be thinking of you.

  11. Taking a group of 45 to Cherokee NC.

  12. Same here - setting my mind to going through my inbox this week.
