Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ten Thought... um... what day of the week is it?

1. I know, I missed Tuesday. Honestly, Monday felt like Tuesday. I've been working my 8-5 and then going to church for Bible school until 9 or later.

2. We spent Saturday setting up, then began VBS on Sunday morning during 10:30 worship; were back at 4pm for our 5:00pm Sunday night start, and have been going every night since. So by Monday, we were through three sets.

3. I'm a drama actor and music leader. Which basically means I get to dress funny and talk silly. I love it!

4. My character is obnoxious- a know-it-all with a high pitched voice who is very concerned about her appearance. Kinda a Valley-Girl meets Cheerleader type. She's a hoot!

5. You know it is bad when your own voice begins to annoy you. I think it was about Monday night that I came off stage and said "I know know if I can handle hearing myself much longer." This was right after I (my character) pitched a major hissy fit!

6. One more night to go! Tomorrow is fun night- bouncy things, water slides, dunking booths (I get my 15 minutes in there- I'm sure they're all aiming for me!), hot dogs, ice cream, and just plain fun. Then sleep.

7. But not for long, because we leave on a mission trip to Cherokee on Saturday morning. I'm the leader again, so I'll spend a good part of Friday at church packing things, counting, going over lists, etc. But I'm excited about it.

8. This year, we partnered with Samaritan's Feet to take shoes to the children there. I'm really excited about this- they do a foot washing and talk to each child for a few minutes. Office Depot also donated backpacks and school supplies for them.

9. My brain just stopped. I'm so sleepy tired, but can't go to sleep. Ever been like that?

10. At least I had time to type a blog- finally! I told Kat the other day that I missed her posting that day when I haven't written anything in a long time! Feels a little hypocritical!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have these two guys in my office this morning. Someone put them out overnight here. They're really friendly, but totally curious. They spent an hour exploring every inch of my tiny space. Our landscape guy is coming by to take them with him. He wants some barn cats, but thinks these might end up in the house!

For some reason, I thought of Kat and Susan... and I considered taking in two strays for a minute. I just don't know what Roxy would do. She runs off squirrels and birds. I can only imagine what she'd do to a kitty!