Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is all I have right now....

I started to attempt 10 thoughts for Tuesday, but I'm so focused on my community chorus concert that it would all have been one big thought. So I grabbed this from Sea today!

1. What is your current project?
Duh- Community Chorus! I created and produced and am directing this year's show- Don't Forget the Baby. It is about a lady so caught up in the material things of Christmas that she has no joy- she forgot the meaning of Christmas. So as the chorus switches from secular music to sacred (including Rutter's Gloria- which I'm super-excited about!) she remembers the baby Jesus and comes around to the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks to nearly 100 people in the show, it's gonna be awesome (and thanks to Kat for designing my program cover!!!!)

2. Have you started Christmas shopping? Who is the hardest person on your list to shop for?
Can't think about Christmas right now- but I do have Brandon's present. He wanted a GPS. Everyone else will have to wait until after the concert. Hardest person is my mom- she has so much money that there's nothing she "needs" and most of the things she wants she just picks up. So it is hard to get her something meaningful.

3. How would you describe your personality?
I'm nice, a little naive, and will absolutely do anything for the people I care about. I think before I speak (99% of the time, anyway) and I don't get ruffled too easily. I am interested in what other people believe and why, but try to uphold my Christian values in everything I do.

4. What is your favorite hobby?
Music right now- sometimes it is reading, sometimes my computer. And in the summer it is definitely outdoor activities.

5. What charity are you passionate about?
I support my church and our mission teams. Other than that, I like Samaritan's Purse and Heifer International.

6. Who was the most influential person in your life?
That's hard- but probably my mom. She's loving, giving, and open-minded. She has taught me to listen and think, not just accept or refuse on first impressions.

7. What is your favorite comfort food when it is cold outside.
Anything that looks like soup! Stews and chili count.

8. When do you put up your Christmas tree, is it artificial or real.
I'd love to have a real one but it is so expensive to do that every year, so I got a nice skinny artificial one that fits in the corner by the loveseat.

9. What is your favorite store to shop in for the holidays.
For decorations, I love Kirklands. For presents, Walmart, Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target.

10. If you could invite anyone to dinner, dead or alive, who would it be?
My dad. He died almost 26 years ago. I'd love to know what he knows now!

11. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I'm happy right here.

12. If you could make a good living doing anything that you wanted, what career would that be?
That's a good question- one I must explore in the next few years. For now, I like what I do and I get paid ok for it.

13. What is your favorite thing to do?
It's tough to choose between sleep and eat... but I don't think that's really the heart of the question. I love to spend time with friends- either ones here or in real life.

14. If they made a movie of the week based on your life, what would be the title?
The Giving Girl- seems I'm always doing something for someone else.

15. If you could have your mama serve your favorite meal of hers right now what would you be eating?
We'd have chicken and dumplings! She makes real flour dumplings- not egg noodles. And I can't copy it no matter how hard I try!

16. What is the largest meal you have ever cooked, for how many?
I cooked Thanksgiving for 200 last year... does that count? I did have a helper, though.

17. What has been a Rainbow Connection for you? An event or a time that could be out of a movie?
It was probably when I met Scott. Have you ever just clicked with someone so fast you feel like you must have known them in a previous life? Which is funny since we've remained just best friends for 2 years. I can't decide if there is anything romantic there or not. It would almost be strange to think about at this point.

18. What embarrassing situation can you share with us?
Everyone is probably going to have one of those drunk stories. Just imagine yours and that is probably mine! Really- I just remember throwing up in the wet grass and wanting to die. It took me 20 years to be able to smell tequila again.

19. In that previously mentioned movie of the week about your life, who would you pick to play yourself, and why?
Oh gosh, I have no idea. I think I need a good casting director.

20. If you could have lived at any other time in history, when would that have been, and why?
Civil War south. Or maybe pre-Civil War south. Big hoop skirts and lawn parties. I know, it would have been hot and sticky, but I'd have loved it!

21. What would you like most to be remembered for?
Raising great kids.

22. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Funny, sweet, accepting

23. Tell us about your home. (Do you live in the city? country? Style of home?)
I have a 2 story colonial in the country suburbs. It used to be country here and Charlotte is creeping this way fast! I have 3 acres and no neighbors, so it is like my little bit of country right off the busy highway.

24. What is something you do for yourself that you love?
I love book club and Bible study. Spending time with the girls away from the kids is a great escape.

25. What is your favorite TV show?
That I actually watch on TV, House. But I've started getting episodes of Supernatural on DVD from Netflix. Now I'm hooked on that- halfway through season 2!

26. What is your earliest memory?
Getting into my parents 1965 Chevy convertible. They sold it before I was 2 and I still remember it.

27. Who is your favorite movie actor, one that you could have a crush on?
Vin Diesel. Wow. Enough said.

28. What words of wisdom have made a lasting impression on you?
There are so many! Probably if I had to choose one, it would be what I quoted Kippy the other day- take your paintbrush and paint your paradise. Meaning that you create your world- so create a beautiful one!

29. What is one food that you could not live without.
I'd have to say potatoes. You can have them so many different ways!

30. Describe your dream weekend getaway.
A cabin in the mountains, fire in the fireplace, and a ton of books to read.

31. If you could have a celebrity chef cook for you who would it be?
Curtis Stone. He cooks good and he's adorable to look at and has a cute accent!

32. When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a dolphin trainer. Swim with the fish at SeaWorld!


  1. LMAO!! Ok.. I would have guessed most of these answers.. but.. Van Diesel?? omg!!! I didn't see that one coming.. not ONE bit!!! lol. And, yea.. he's cute!! And, a REAL man! I can see it now!! Grrrrrrin!

  2. I wasnt' really sure what that rainbow thing was about.. so, I swagged it when I did it.. yes.. I met my soulmate too! And, then.. promptly married him after knowing him all of two months! lol. Two decades later.. and going strong.. yea.. we KNEW!

  3. Yeah, I'm pretty much an open book! And yeah, Vin Diesel.... hot!

  4. I agree. Vin Diesel has a great "motor" lmboooo...
    loved your answers =)

  5. I've never met anyone who wanted to be dolphin trainer before. :-) Giving Girl the Dolphin Trainer.

  6. The best friend? thats the one ya marry. I didnt have a lot of romantic stuff going on like I expected when I met my bf. And we still are not the typical couple. But there is such love there in so many other ways that you cant help but see it. I bet you two are the same way.

  7. Lisa, they actually trained dolphins for SeaWorld about 10 minutes from my house in these huge saltwater tanks. It was my dream job. The operation had moved by thew time I grew up, though.

    And thanks, Kat.

  8. I loved reading this! Some really interesting questions, and just as interesting answers. You are one cool lady, Janeen. :)

  9. Thanks Sue! These were really good questions

  10. It's nice getting to know you. And I like House too, so see, we have something in common. lol
    Sigh, I've had the hots for Robert De Niro ever since he was in the Godfather. lol

  11. That was very interesting to read Janeen.I heartily agree with you on number 29. I love spuds in any form. Can't live without them.
