Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ABC's- swiped from Kat who got it from Boo

Ok, this one looks like fun:

A - Area: North Carolina- what is known as the foothills of the Piedmont.

B - Broken Bones: Not officially on any doctor's charts- but I think I broke my little toe once.

C - Camera:  A Canon sureshot something... it's in the car. And the horrid one on my Blackberry.

D - Dance: With my two left feet. You'd better watch out!

E - Exercise: Gym 3 times a week- elliptical and weights.

F - Flavor:  Spicy- like horseradish hot; I'm a vanilla ice cream girl; and I love chocolate caramel candy. Peppermint tea; spearmint gum. Watermelon Jolly Ranchers. Oh, and cream soda dum dums. There- aren't you glad you elaborated on the flavor thing?

G - God:  is good, all the time.

H - Height: 5'8"- and I don't wear heels.

I - Instruments you play: saxophone; a really poor piano, and I know about 5 chords on guitar. I was a band director, so technically I can play a little bit of everything! (And yes, had a semester of cello, too!)

J - Jobs: Band director, furniture sales, church office manager

K - Kid(s): 3...Chris is almost 21, Brandon 19; Savannah will be 13 next week (yikes!)

L - Living arrangements: Right now it is me and the girl in this 4 bedroom  house!

M - Mom's name: Ernestine

N - Nicknames:  Dish... and my niece calls me Aunt Neen.

O - Owies:  I pulled a muscle in my shoulder that really hurts today!

P - Pet Peeve: mess... that I've told a child at least twice to clean up!

Q - Quiet:  I don't know when I have last heard quiet.... what is that again?

R- Right or left handed: Right

S - Siblings: 1 younger brother. My mom got remarried 10 years ago and I got 3 older step-sisters.

T - Time you wake up: 5:45 am. Get up? 6:05 or 6:10. I like to watch the news for a few minutes before I crawl out from under the covers.

U- Underwear:  Yes, I wear some.

V - Vegetable you dislike:  carrots

W - Ways you run late: Waiting on Savannah.... if not, I'm always early.

X - X-rays you've had: teeth.... ankle.... and does a mammogram count?

Y - Yummy thing you make to eat: right now it is pumpkin spice muffins.

Z - Zoo: Just the one dog. For now.


  1. Consider heels, you'd get close to looking me in the eye :)

  2. Nah, I like taller guys. Never dated any, but like some!

  3. You're an inch taller than me, although I'm not sure I'm still 5'7" because of my disc problems, scoliosis and bad posture.

  4. Pumpkin spice muffins sound so good

  5. Janeen you must be having pretty leaf colours right now??

  6. You know, this year's been funny. They turned really late, then immediately turned brown. There are a few pretty trees here and there, but mostly they're either still green or totally brown. Strange.

  7. And these are super easy- take a spice cake mix, a can of pumpkin (not pie filling, real pumpkin) and 3/4 c of water. Mix it in a bowl and put into 24 muffin cups. Bake however long it says to on the mix box. Each will have about 95 calories! (I add nuts, so mine have a little more!)

  8. Omgosh I gotta make those muffins!!! Loved your answers!!

  9. A - Area: San Antonio, TEXAS!

    B - Broken Bones: Thumb, a few concussions, small bone in foot.

    C - Camera: lmao!! A disposable!

    D - Dance: Been a VERY long time... durn it.

    E - Exercise: My brain.. lots! Body.. ummm.. I plead the fifth.

    F - Flavor: Salt and spice!

    G - God: is good, all the time.

    H - Height: 5'10" and shrinking.. thanks to a back injury.

    I - Instruments you play: Kazoo!

    J - Jobs: Politics, government manager and VP of Marketing, Research.

    K - Kid(s): 2 sons. 26 and 18 years old.

    L - Living arrangements: Steve and I.. and youngest son in a 4 bedroom.

    M - Mom's name: J.

    N - Nicknames: Mamabear!

    O - Owies: Biggie.. my back.

    P - Pet Peeve: clutter and filth. Can't tolerate it.

    Q - Quiet: And, peaceful too!

    R- Right or left handed: Right

    S - Siblings: 8 of them.. 3 brothers and five sisters.

    T - Time you wake up: In the morning!

    U- Underwear: Yes, I wear some.

    V - Vegetable you dislike: ummm.. none come to mind.

    W - Ways you run late: Waiting on youngest.. he takes longer than a teenage girl sometimes.

    X - X-rays you've had: teeth, head, mammogram, MRI of back, hand, and bone density scans?

    Y - Yummy thing you make to eat: raw cauliflower and ranch.

    Z - Zoo: Just the geckos outside.

  10. Ok.. gonna post this one.. In my quiz section.

  11. I'll be doing this one too. Purty sure I can come up with some cute answers. But ...

    "U- Underwear: Yes, I wear some."

    Some? You wear more than one at a time??? Must be colder back there than I thought.

    (Ducks n runs)

  12. 5'8!! I didn't know that! That's why I like these things.

  13. Leece, I love animals and if it were up to Savannah, we'd have a zoo. About 5 years ago, there was a time that we had two dogs, a cat, 12 hampsters, and a guinea pig.
