Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wedded Bliss for Chris?

I know I've been slack lately about posting and commenting, but I had to see my oldest son marry the girl of his dreams on Saturday. Yes he is young, yes I would have preferred that he wait until he is more settled in life, but this was his choice and I chose to honor and support him.

It was a perfect day- well, it rained, but it was still a perfect day. The church was beautiful, the wedding party was gorgeous, and the reception hall looked amazing. Both families looked like a mish mash of people. Chris has two moms (I'm actually his step-mom, but I raised him.) He had two moms on the mom row (and Scott sat with me, and his dad sat on the fourth row with his new thing. Chris' choice.) Her parents are actually her grandparents who adopted her when she was little. Her grandmother is an invalid and couldn't be there, her birth mother was there, her sister acted in her mother's place... but they have both learned a lot about accepting family for who they are and not based on someone's idea of an ideal family.

I got to dance the "mom" dance with him. It is marvelous to see him smile- he rarely smiles this big or for this long. Savannah was a bridesmaid and his brother Brandon was his best man. I was so proud of the whole family. Yes, there was a little bit of me that wanted to gloat because Scott was with me and agreed to sit with me, but I was good and didn't flaunt it (too much). Here's the whole crew- front row is Cory (Chris' first cousin), Savannah, Salina (my new daughter), Destiny (Cory's sister), Brittney (Chris' half sister), Anthony (Britt's father, Chris' step-father); second row, Jeannie (Chris' birth mother), Me, Chris (beside his bride, but not really in the front row!); back row- Belle (Chris' grandma), and Brandon (Chris' brother.)

It really was everything the kids dreamed it would be, and I am happy for them. I pray that they make it through his military career and on to better things!


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! They look so happy! I wish them many years of happiness!

  2. Congratulations to Chris and his new bride! I know you're proud, Dish. Great looking bunch you have there!

  3. What a beautiful wedding!!! They do all look so happy. I'm glad it turned out ok.

  4. Great pics and I'm so glad they're happy:) Congrats to everyone!

  5. Young love. It's scary isn't it? I join you in praying it is wedded bliss.

  6. You did a GREAT job!! Praying for many many years together in lifes ups AND downs!!

    Still LMAO @ *his new thing* *rolling with laughter*

    Family has many sizes, shapes and configurations that is for sure and yours is wonderful!!

  7. I truly believe that we all want our children to wait till they are established in life and in a career before taking this huge step. Im like flygirl, laughing at your description of your ex's description of his "new thing" LOL

  8. Such a beautiful wedding and pictures too. Congradulations on the wedding and having a new daughter too. Daughter-in-laws can be wonderful too. I wish them both many blessings and lots of years together. Glad to hear things went very well for all of you. Take Care and I hope to hear from you soon. Love&Hugs for all of you.....................

  9. They make such a good looking couple..................

  10. Thanks guys! They are a beautiful family (IMHO) and it was a beautiful day.

  11. Oh, and the thing- she is the only one that made Chris mad that day. He did fine with his dad and me in the same room, both his moms there (we get along fine) and everything else. He was mad at her.

  12. well now you have to tell WHY.....inquiring minds want to know....lol

  13. Chris wanted to cut pictures short because there were 100 people waiting at the reception and he wanted to get over there- so they were doing quick pictures. The photographer had already let everyone go when she and his dad came in and said they were taking pictures. He said that there were people waiting on them and she snapped "well they'll wait on you- we're taking pictures." NOT the thing to say.

  14. Congratulations! I wish them a long happy life together.

    They look great and he is a baby...just look at his face...you must have cried when you saw your baby in the groom suit.

  15. Very nice gathering Janeen! All my best to the happy couple. And glad you got to gloat (admit it, you loved it) hee hee. Savannah looks lovely. She's going to be a heartbreaker!! hugs

  16. Congrats. Nice pictures, everyone looks to have had a good time.

    Think positive - I'd replace the "?" in the title with a "!!".

  17. It was THEIR day and not "The Thing" She never had a thought about them during the photo's did she? No consideration at all.

  18. That's the problem- and Chris sees it too. Everything is all about them and nothing about anyone else. I hate it for the kids. The ex is going to reap what he sows, and right now he's harvesting weeds.

  19. Don't worry too much because over time they will realize who was REALLY the ones who supported them.

  20. He does realize- from the role he wanted me to play in his wedding, he realizes. It just hurts him to know that he doesn't mean that much to his dad.

  21. Thats sad to hear. My daughters and I communicate at least once a week, just to keep in touch with each other. Don't know what I'd do without them. Kids are a blessing that God gifts us with. Its just sad that his Father doesn't realize this.

  22. I hate it but I think my boys have had to deal with that too. They never talk to their father...but the worst part is they don't want to. And he has never made any attempts to reach out to them. THAT makes me hate his miserable guts for doing that to them. GrrrRrrRr

  23. Kat, I think you're right- we must have been married to the same person! That is EXACTLY the way it is. Except every now and then the ex doesn't understand why they haven't called him. I want to say -what? your dialing finger is broken?

  24. Just came to see the pics one more time...I love wedding pictures. I never had it...can you believe it? And I will never ever have it.
