Monday, April 21, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love

Well, at least I have the first two down pretty well! Actually, that is the title of the first book of the new book club, Books a Multiplyin' that I have been asked to host. I really liked this book because the author, Elizabeth Gilbert, seems to have walked the same path I have been down. Emotionally crippled after a painful divorce, she decides to spend a year of healing- 4 months in Italy learning about pleasure, 4 months in India learning about prayer, and 4 months in Indonesia learning to balance the two with love. It is a book about her own soul-searching, and touched me in a healing way. I hope you all read it and will join our book club as we talk about this popular, non-fiction book starting on May 1.

As you know, I'm still working on the last part (love) although he did tell me last night that he loves me. And yes, I said it back- because I do, and love comes in so many forms. I still have to figure out if this is a wonderful-friendship love, a romantic love, or a combination of the two. But I'm working on it!


  1. I am working on reading the book, I am taking it with me on my trip, so hopefully I will get it done!

    Glad to hear the last part is forming however it is intended to form. and from experience, words are just that words...many people these days seem to be able to throw out that word way too easily even those we trust more than most!

    So when will the discussions be?? and how many??

  2. Thursdays in May- I hope to start with an introduction and then talk about each section, ending with a recap, since there are 5 Thursdays in May. Knowing the way most of our discussions go, I bet we get off from that pretty easily!

  3. lol, yeah I bet you are right.....

    I will probably miss the first one due to the trip but I should be there for the others

  4. I've read the book and really enjoyed it. It's one of those that bring you closer to not only yourself but on a spiritual level.

  5. It does Jamie! I admire her for the spiritual level she got to- makes me want to go spend 4 months in an ashram!

  6. I will look for the book. Did she say how she could afford to spend that time healing all over the world?

  7. She is a writer and she used the advance from the book she was planning to write to afford the trip. If you can't find the book let me know and I'll mail it to you! (Oops- I never mailed the last thing I was going to mail you! Yikes!)

  8. Trying to think of something incredibly self-indulgent that I can promise some gullible publisher I'll write a book about.....

  9. write it about the anguish of wanting a vacation, and not being able to afford it!!! And then one day you win the lottery, and...oh wait, that's my story. hahaha
