Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mostly an update...

I am getting worse at blogging here lately. Just too much going on! Brandon is a junior in high school and is on the baseball team. Savannah plays 12u softball. So between them I see a lot of games! Savannah's team is 3-0. She made the last out of the game today to win (or the other team would have tied the game.) Brandon scored the only run in a losing 3-1 game on Thursday. So right now baseball is my life!

Today was dedicated to the weeds. I wish I had thought to take a before picture of the weed beds (in a couple of weeks they will be flower beds!) Here they are with no weeds. Everywhere you see dirt there were weeds- some a couple of feet high. Brandon wants prom money so he was a willing slave- loading the loads of weeds into his truck and hauling them off in the woods. Tomorrow he will go haul in loads of mulch to replace the weeds!

The house is 49 feet from one end to another- and there was nowhere that wasn't covered in dandelions, chickweed, and a couple of other weeds I don't know the names of (one has purple heads, the other has purple stems with fern-like leaves on the ends.)

Everything else in life is good. I am resigned to the fact that I cannot define this relationship, but I like it. I see a lot of reasons to just keep it a friendship (more of the fact that I can see how he is so like my ex!) Lots of differences in the places that count, though. So I'm still taking it REAL slow!! I did find out that my first child support check is in the mail from the state. I don't know how long it takes to get here, but that system must be churning, anyway. Other than that, no real news from here. Just work, ball, church, home and life!


  1. sounds ok to me. I got my child support through the county, but I guess it's the same thing? Once it gets going, you'll get a check the same day every week (or whatever). It's as regular as he is...they don't usually tell you when they don't get a check either. I found all this stuff out the hard way!

    Your yard and house look good. Mine looks better today, and hopefully will look better once I plant things. hugs xoxo

  2. That sounds like a fun weekend to me. I need to weed the edge of my house...Heck, all around my house. The kids and I would go out to do it today but the ground is just too darn wet. Tomorrow we have a confirmation to go to. The kids will go to church... It's terrible as we never go to church. We used to go to Bible study but the building we used just got too cold in the winter time and Art didn't want to drive out of town in the winter on bad roads. *sigh*

    Baseball is a lot of fun. Our kids play football. And we work out together, when we bother to go, these days.

    I need to get the lawnmower fixed so I can mow. I have some weeds in my yard that are already knee high... *sigh* I'm so lazy.

    Where do you get the energy?

  3. Im finding out that when the spring and summer comes along, there is less "me and the computer" time. There is soooo much to do. My granddaughters have started softball practice. (there is a picture of my 2 softball playing granddaughters in my family section.) And it won't be too long they will start defending their ponytail league championship. Work has been just killer lately, but have to take the overtime when its offered.

    Glad that your taking your relationship real slow. Its nice to have someone special to do things with. I really missed that when I was divorced. Nobody to buy cards or the occasional bouquet of flowers for. Speaking of someone special, I have to get ready to go dancing tonight so take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. This makes me not miss living in a house so much...

  5. I second that

    Glad to hear you are keeping busy and things are good. It is good when things are good...;)

    To me, a friendship is way more important than what it might be or could be.....and sometimes it makes it easier than when you try to define the relationship. Just make sure you listen to God's direction...then you are sure to do the right thing....many people tend to ask and then not follow....which = stupid!! :)

  6. NC changed their rules about 8 years ago- you don't pay to the county anymore- centralized by the state. That is supposed to be easier (but who knows- I doubt it!) Anyway, you can check your account online. I also sent in the paperwork to direct deposit- that will be way easier!

  7. The lawnmower is supposed to be ready on Monday or Tuesday- needed a new battery, oil change, new blades... so the grass is horrible. But the beds will look nice!

    And energy? If I have a teenager willing to work I'll find the energy to work beside him!

  8. That's what I have decided Bill- I just thank God for my good friends and try to let the rest fall where it will! You have a wonderful time dancing tonight!

  9. I try, I try! I am not sure what He is telling me right now so I'm doing that icky "wait" thing. God's timing may always be right, but it isn't right now!

  10. Well any time you get the urge to garden, I have a shovel with your name on it!

  11. You know, seriously, my first house was in a neighborhood built on what used to be a cotton field. WONDERFUL soil. I had a vegetable garden to die for. Beautiful tomatoes, the best corn I've ever had in my life, and eggplants out the wazoo. I actually had a lot of fun with it, and enjoyed going out there for an hour or so every day after work.

  12. That's what it takes- an hour a day or so. That's how these beds got so out of shape. With the drought here last year everything died (including a couple of 10 year old shrubs!) and I never did plant anything, because I couldn't water it. So the beds are in horrible shape. The only thing that grew were the weeds- wonder why they were drought-resistant?

  13. I spent today outside getting tan, and weeding, wacking, and blowing. That sounds pretty bad doesn't it? But the yard looks great. Erin dragged out the lawnmower for me and it actually started first crank. I was so shocked!! 2 things went right! Then I got all the leaves mulched up, and now tomorrow, if it doesn't rain I can help Jonathan fix the sillcock and get the hose working. That didn't sound too good either did it?

  14. I enjoy yard work when it is warm. I tend to hybernate when it is cold, though. I got out in the yard today and worked for a while until it started to rain. Enjoyed seeing your bed - kinda cool!
