Monday, August 6, 2012

December 1, 2012- Where will we go? I know I asked this question several months ago, but never got a good answer.


  1. You know Janeen, as much as many of us dislike facebook, it's not that bad. And blogging can be done in the "notes" section. I don't know - if anyone comes up with another good social site besides FB, I'm willing to give it a try.

  2. The thing I like about having another site besides FB is that I can really reveal my thoughts here. Facebook is filled with family and aquaintances and I do wear a mask there sometimes. I stay out of politics and religion on purpose. Here I can say what I want!

  3. I don't know where...I'll just go wherever others go.

  4. I'm going to try LiveJournal- anyone wants to suggest something better suggest away! Dai, Riete, and Thalia are connected with me there. Of course, we haven't used it yet, but I might try and see how it works.

  5. I'm gonna listen to suggestions on where to go next.

  6. I shan't be going to BookFace that's for sure.

  7. Are you trying to be ironic Paul?

    Multiply is dead as of 1st Dec.

  8. But we can rebuild it from the ashes.

  9. There are better platforms out there that are Open Source that you could use ;)
    Of course another route would be a forum!
    Problem with a new network is webspace, you'd either have to spread it over multiple networks, doing this would slow it down; a lot.

    The other option would be rent space, probably around 100Gb to start with and have it on a server. The down side is that costs money. Even using ad's it'd take a while to build up revenue, also remember with Ad's you do have to pay tax! (looked into it ;)

    Then of course you'd need staff, *cough* I mean volunteers to monitor it for spam, porn, etc...
    Don't forget you'd also need some kind of support but that could easy be done via FAQ's that are added to as new questions arise and are answered. Still, someone would have to do it. It's _not_ a one man job!!

  10. i would love to help. my problem is that i am such a hot head that i maybe shouldn't have admin privileges. i would be deleting assholes right and left.

  11. is looking like my favorite - still checking it out!! Gimme a bit more time :)

    Hold on, I'll find the PM I just send Dai and let ya know what I don't like about it (So far) but what I do like...

  12. Sea, Susan, Kat, Dai, Kumar, Jimmie, Sue (and I may have left someone out) have all hooked up at livejournal. Looks easy enough, although I don't know how to do much yet.

  13. Glad we're trying livejournal, don't know if its our last stop but at least it is a type blog site, not just a Facebook/knock-off type site.

  14. Is Akron near Centerville .. ..or maybe, Circleville ?

    I'm thinking Centerville and the Giant Pumpkin Fest there. .. . .btw, it inspired me to do my own. . . .and we had everything including two of the top ten catapulters in the country.
