Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ten "Bah Humbug" Thoughts...

1. It took me a minute to remember that it is Tuesday! I took today and tomorrow off to get some Christmas shopping done and totally messed the week up in my head.

2. I'm just not in the Christmas mood yet. It really doesn't feel like December. Part of it may have to do with the warm weather. The other part is just the year flying by too fast. My internal clock hasn't caught up.

3. I did go shopping today and got at least two things crossed off my list. I'll do most of the rest tomorrow.

4. I don't have any decorations up either. I am to the point that they're either going to have to go up now or not go up at all. It is a lot of work to have to un-do in three weeks.

5. I know I sound like Scrooge- I feel a little bit like Scrooge. Not in an "I hate Christmas" way but in an "I'm too tired to bother" way.

6. Savannah has her first JO volleyball tournament this weekend. I can't wait to see how this team does- this is the highest level she has ever played at and every girl on the team is beyond good. I have no idea how much she'll even get to play, but she is learning a LOT!

7. They've had a lot of drama in school this week. One of the boys in her class called in a bomb threat to the school. Now he is expelled and several others have been suspended for a week. We all just want to know why? Seemed like a good, smart kid from a good family. I know, you never know what happens behind closed doors.

8. I went to the Y today. It makes me feel so much better to go, but I'm sure good at finding excuses not to. Although my back is hurting, and hurts every time I go. I suppose I should ice it down. I go to the chiropractor on Thursday, so maybe she can give me some better advice.

9. I'm so sleepy. It felt like a good soup night, so I made potato soup and had a salad. Now I have all this warm milk in my belly. I could sleep like a baby.

10. My new driver is doing well. She doesn't like to be corrected much, but I'm learning how to do it constructively and gently. I suppose holding onto the handle and screaming wasn't the best way.... lol.

Good night everyone!


  1. I'm not doing Christmas this year - unless there is some miracle and I've almost stopped believing in those. But, I did put up a Christmas Tree and download some Christmas music to listen to while I clean. I'm not anti-Christmas. Just don't have the family or funds to really take part in anything that is going on.

    I love potato soup. I haven't made that in a while. Maybe I should . . . I had salad for dinner tonight.

  2. I've tried Christmas music- actually, I love Christmas music. Maybe putting up the tree would help. Of course, having the money to buy everyone what they want this year would be even nicer. They're just going to have to go with "it's the thought that counts" this time!

  3. 8. Aleve + ice plus admit you're an old lady.

  4. Two out of three isn't bad. And at least I'm not as old as you! Ha!

  5. Well "technically" you have until Jan 6th, the 12th day of X-Mas, lol.

  6. Epiphany! True... and I have been known to leave my snow village up until Valentine's day!

  7. Good Night to you too Jan ! It's almost 9 am here though. Well I haven't got the Xmas tree out yet and we've talked about not celebrating Christmas here at all. We should be cut off by 16 hours a day by Xmas so the tree wouldn't look good without the lights. Bomb threat to the school? So sick. I hope he got a good pasting at home but I doubt it.

  8. There must be a Bah-Humbug bug going around. Hearing that a lot lately, people finding it hard to get in the spirit.

    The frequent you go, the less it'll hurt.

    Good luck at the vb tournament.

    Don't like potato soup, but like a salad.

    I wish I could sleep like my baby :)

  9. Man, I'm glad they had a sense of humor about things like bombs when I was a teenager.

  10. I'm really not into it either (but am I ever?) I still have your birthday stuff here. It's going to be a big box.

  11. Yikes Dave, I already have one "Jon" living here. Actually, maybe they could just both live in the basement and we could lock all the doors! (And you're going to have to tell me who Lady Penelope is...)

    Bill, I was talking about that the other day- how, in our childhood, someone who phoned a bomb threat to a school would have been suspended for a week or so and got a good whipping at home. Now it is a felony. This kid is in big trouble.

  12. Lady P from Thunderbirds!

    Uploaded with Skitch!

  13. 1. I'm not in the Christmas spirit, either. I think all the hooplah that started in September around here is what got me out of the mood. I want to give gifts. I LOVE to give gifts. I just don't like all the panic and meanness that surrounds the other shoppers. I guess in my old age I've gotten either more laid back or I just don't like people any more.

    6. Good luck Savannah!

    8. I hope his parents take him behind the wood shed!

    9. I've not worked out in WAY too long.

    10. Hmmm...no, screaming probably wasn't very constructive! *giggles*

  14. me too...but this is so different...oh well.

  15. This year did go by too fast! I'm not done shopping yet. Usually I'm all prepared by this date!
