Sunday, April 11, 2010

Project Pictures

Around the corner from the garage is where I'm working. Made a new flower bed- or a new mudhole. No flowers yet.

I remembered that I promised you pictures. Multiply is being a pain- it loaded these 5 and refuses to load any more! Grrrrr..... anyway, here's part of it. You'll have to wait until later- until Multiply cooperates- to see more!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Five- Projects

I seem to have five projects going on right now:

1- Building steps down to the patio. I have the first level done. Need to get more quicrete.

2- Backfilling the wall I made at the end of the patio. I'm almost there.

3- Making a new flower bed where that wall is. Have it edged and dug out- just need more dirt, plants, and some mulch.

4- Weeding in front of the house. Seems like the weeds grow better than the things I plant!

5- Setting back up my craft room. Savannah decided to switch rooms - move across the hall- and there's still a mess.

I haven't been to the gym this week, but I've been hoisting wall blocks and cinder blocks, shoveling and raking, and other tiring things. If I can remember I'll take some pictures tomorrow. I always for get to take those "before" pictures!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ten Thoughts for Wednesday

1- Yes, I am all messed up on what day of the week it is! That's what happens when you have Monday off... Tuesday becomes Monday!

2- I woke up this morning with the feeling that something is wrong. Maybe it is a leftover vibe from a dream. I went to bed last night with everything ok. No messages on the phone...

3- I've been very MIA, although I have tried to read most blogs. The weather here has been in the 80's for the past 5 days. I got the pool opened and yesterday, got IN! Yes! The water is already in the 70's. Last day of warm weather today before it cools back off to normal, so you may not hear much from me tonight either.

4. I also cut the grass for the first time this year. Saturday, I put 85 lbs of fertilizer on and Monday I mowed. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I'll probably be mowing grass again really soon.

5- I have a lot of new plants to plant. Someone gave me some flowering almond bushes and a couple of flowering apricot trees. I just have to figure out the best place to put them in the yard.

6- I want to build a deck around one side of the pool. One guy gave me an estimate of $9500! Yikes! I won't be building it for that, I can tell you! I want to see what this second guy says. I'm holding on to my tax refund just for this. If it doesn't work, Chris says he'll pay for it if he gets this new job.

7- Chris has a chance at a job in Iraq- as a contractor. It pays incredible in tax-free money! He's so excited, I hope he gets it. It is Iraq- so I hope he doesn't get it. I guess whichever way it goes it will be right.

8- I need to start blogging my Bible study again. I quit when the Beth Moore study I was doing got very intense. Now that it is over I have no excuse. Back to daily blogging.

9- I need breakfast- maybe I'll get me an egg mcmuffin on the way to work this morning.

10- I'd better go if I'm going by McD's- or I'll be late to work. See you later!