Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Ten- The "it's about time you posted something" Edition

1. Yes, I've been really slack here lately. I guess my muse has been on vacation. I hope she went somewhere fun, since I'm stuck here!

2. Happy Birthday Abby! Someday, we're going to get together and maybe we can celebrate all these things we miss!

3. Maybe that will be this summer, if we can get Art and his brother on the move!

4. I'm playing church softball! Yes, me who has been content to sit and watch for 15 years. I forgot how much fun playing can be!

5. My shin hurts, though- Savannah cracked me with a fast-pitch softball during practice today. Ouch.

6. My computer at work has been down for a week. I just got a new one on Monday- and it has all the bells and whistles! Only problem is, I'm having to re-load all the software!

7. I've been stuck behind my desk all day. I feel fat. I really need to remember to get up every 30 minutes or so and move!

8. I'm thinking about buying an above ground pool. I have the money, I just don't know if I want to spend it. There's something about having it that feels good. But, there's something about creating a fun playground for the family that might actually be better. I'm still thinking.

9. My boy has a free ride to two different colleges! Now he just has to choose one! Graduation is in 5 weeks. I can't believe he is all grown up.

10. I have seriously been thinking about making travel plans. I get happy when I anticipate something fun. I was thinking Grand Canyon in the fall- then Kat brings up Nepal! That might have to wait a few years. Maybe if we start saving now.....


  1. #4 - I'm SOOOOO jealous. It's been years.

    #7 - I feel fat, too. I don't even eat that much. (sigh)

    #8 - I'm like this, too. I rarely buy on impulse.

  2. Yeah...it's going to take me that long to save the money (if EVER...I had no idea it was that expensive). AND...I have no shots. I don't know if I can even travel there safely. My mother didn't allow us kids to have any shots. She made a huge fuss over it in school. The only one I have is smallpox. SO...that's another thing I'll have to check out.

    Johnna cracked me in the right leg. So we could hold eachother up.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have a get together? All of us converge on you. Heck, maybe we can get Dai, Kumar and Aayush to come here!!!

    I used to play Wally Ball when I was younger (before Fibro) and that was a ton of fun with our large group of friends. I miss those days. So I don't blame you for wanting to play again and stop watching.

    I hated watching my kids grow up and leave one by one...and come back one by one HAHA. THAT part I liked!! But going off to college...there is something that changes after they do that. I never wanted them to grow up. Now I'm all sad thinking Carlin is growing up too.


  3. I'd love to have a get-together! Too bad we're all scattered so far away. What is middle ground (and who do we know who lives there so we can converge on them for free?) I don't mind you all coming here at all! That would be a blast!

  4. We're hoping to head from Texas.. across I-10 this coming summer... and meet a few more blogging friends.

  5. Pools are a nightmare of maintenance. Buy wine and a NICE chair, instead.

  6. Now see, I'd do this, but my kids can't really join me in this as a "family" activity. But I can buy wine and a nice float! And I've maintained pools before, so that part doesn't scare me.

  7. Every time I think of maintaining a pool, I fondly recall my two root canals.

  8. You're not supposed to clean them with your teeth, silly.

  9. It sounds like you're too busy playing ball and getting fit (so no worries about being stuck in a chair at work! ;) to spend time online Momma, and that's all good stuff! It's nice to see you here though. :)

    I missed Abby's birthday, oops.

    And the pool sounds like a great idea! Just don't clean it with your teeth. ;)

  10. Well Janeen, everybody goes to the Grand Canyon but Nepal ?

  11. Funny, I've heard that about OTHER things, too.

  12. Har har Guy, what would that be?
