Thursday, April 30, 2009

I hurt all over!

42 is too old to try to get back in shape to play with kids! We had our second church softball game tonight and I was still sore from the first one on Tuesday. But we won them both! I actually got on base three times tonight! And scored! It is really fun to get out and play for fun. But my legs don't think so right now!

I was reading Leece's blog about getting back into shape, and someone commented that the easiest way is to do something you enjoy. So softball is going to be really good! (Too bad sleeping won't do it though- I really enjoy that!)

Here's a picture of Brandon from today's high school baseball game. He pitched today for the first time in four years! I was almost in tears- I thought I'd never see him pitch again. He broke his elbow pitching in 8th grade- threw a ball and snapped the end of the bone right off. Freak accident. They did surgery and put screws in it and made it as good as new, but he has always been afraid to really throw the ball again. Funny, but he still expects it to hurt and is surprised when it doesn't. He didn't play baseball for two years, then they talked him into it at school last year.

I can't believe he graduates in four weeks. I can still remember the first day he went to kindergarten. And now he's graduating and going off to college. Got a full ticket to go to a local private college. He wants to major in elementary education. He's really good with children, so this should be just the thing for him. He'll never have a lot of money, but he will love his job. Unless he can figure out how to be a professional fisherman!


  1. Every time I hear a story like that I think of Lee Majors. I saw him on TV the other day pitching hearing aids and I thought, "How ironic is it that the Six MIllion Dollar man is selling hearing aids?"

  2. They do grow up too fast, for sure.

    In relation to your last comments, I'm reminded of the Shawn Mullens song, "Twin Rocks, Oregon" where he says, "Yeah, but aint it a blessing to do what you want to do."

    I think we all want enough to pay the bills and buy a pizza. :) But, beyond the peace of having enough, money doesn't bring happiness. That comes from being true to the calling.

  3. i love softball too. i played thru middle and highschool before injuring my knee (not from softball, i also played on the hs football team). i miss playing, how do u get hooked up with an adult team?

  4. The doctor even told him- go pitch, you won't break it again. I think they made the Six Million Dollar Man even better- wasn't it better, stronger, faster? The Bionic Woman got the super hearing- no wonder he needs hearing aids!

  5. Amen to that! I love my job and am glad to see him choosing to do something he likes that he will be successful at doing!

  6. This is my church team- we have a church league where we play other churches in the area. There's a women's league in this area too, but I'm having more fun just goofing around with these crazy people I know!

  7. lol! That's funny.

    It's good to see him playing ball and pitching! Congrats on college and his chosen field. There are a lot of teachers that make a difference at that age. I bet he's going to be one of the best.

    Sorry to hear your legs hurt. I'm not doing too much to stay in shape right now between two injuries in our house and Art being sick again. (We all have chronic ear infections.)

    Anyway, have fun playing softball!

  8. lmao.. Steve was 42 when our youngest was born.. how he survived.. is beyond me.. oh.. and the kid did great too!! lol

  9. I'm so terrible at sports...I was usually the next to the last kid to be chosen on teams in school which made me even worse about trying. To this day I hate standing waiting to be chosen for something...the feeling is just so---what?---sad?

    Vikki loves softball and sports too. She still does. I was a tomboy like she was---only sucked at sports. I climbed a lot of trees and helped my father build houses. But swing a bat? Nope.

  10. lol! I gave myself a black eye playing racket ball once. Go figure. I suck at sports too. I don't care if I'm chosen last. I'm the one in the outfield playing with the dandelions. lol!

  11. Well someone has to be out there with the dandelions! Come on over and you can be on my team!

  12. YAY! I get to play with dandelions!

    Ya know, can I just take pictures? I'll be the official photographer.

  13. Sure! That would be even better. But you have to delete any pictures of me that aren't good!

  14. Oh, I delete all photos that aren't any good! lol!
