Sunday, July 29, 2007

Can you get dementia at age 40?

OK, if you know me you know that I usually have things together. Not always neat and orderly, but usually organized. So where did I put this check?

It isn't in my purse. It isn't over my sun visor. And it isn't on the kitchen counter. I would have bet you that it was in my checkbook in my purse. Did I miss a day of my life? An hour? Where in the world could it be?

I hope I'm not the only one who misplaces things. It just makes me a basket case when I do it. On the plus side, I have two clean junk drawers, a clean glove box, and a clean refrigerator. (OK, I knew it wouldn't be in there, but while I was in a mood to clean...)

Plus, I keep looking in the same places. Over and over again. Although it wasn't there 30 minutes ago, elves could have magically made it reappear since I checked there last time, right?

Doing lame-brained things drives me crazy- my poor kids, they're going to have one nutty mom when it comes time for the nursing home!

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