Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ten Thoughts for a Rainy Tuesday

1.  I was really enjoying the mild November we were having. It was fine. It really didn't have to turn cold and rainy. But it did anyway. I don't really like winter... but here it comes anyway.

2. I am enjoying my Thirty-One business. I made $200 last month! And I'm having an open house on Saturday with a friend who sells Mary Kay. Cross your fingers that we sell some and get some good leads for later! Oh, and if you want to buy something as a Christmas gift, use that link, but do it by December 12 to get guaranteed shipping by Christmas.

3. My back has hurt this week. It was feeling so much better, but I slept on it wrong and got my neck all messed up where I couldn't turn my head left. I did go to the chiropractor and she helped a lot. I hate it when they crack your neck, though. I keep thinking I'll be paralyzed or dead or something like what happens in the movies.

4. I'm hooked on Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series of books. If you aren't familiar with them you may have watched Legend of the Seeker on ABC for two seasons. It is medieval good vs. evil with wizards and sorceresses too. But underlying it all is a real sense of living your life in truth. Most people are either dedicated to the Creator or the Keeper. I'm in the 6th book and you're really starting to get a good look at some political things, too. But what I love most are the Wizard's rules. I am going to list them as the rest of my thoughts. Each book introduces one more, so I'm sure there are more to come.

5. Wizard's Rule #1- People will believe a lie either because they want it to be true or because they fear it is.

6. Wizard's Rule #2- The greatest harm can result from the best intentions. I think this is where that enabling comes in.

7. Wizard's Rule #3- Passion rules reason. Yep, been there!

8. Wizard's Rule #4- There is magic in forgiveness- magic that can heal.

9. Wizard's Rule #5- Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.

10. Wizard's Rule #6- The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason.


  1. 1. We've got the same weather here, cold and rainy. Except with the cold and rain, we're getting wind making the cold even worse. I'm with you when it comes to weather. I'm ready for May. :/

    2. Congrats! I still need to hit up that link but I won't be able to do anything until the 11th. I was thinking of getting my niece a purse. I saw a couple of cute ones there.

    3. I'm glad your chiro helped you out. I have the same fear about them cracking my neck.

    4. I've not read the books. I haven't even watched the tv show, either. :/ I watch NCIS and The Walking Dead and Law and Order : SVU.

    5. That's a very true rule. Usually, when the people I've run across believe a lie, it's because that's what they want to hear. What's even worse, they prefer to believe the lies that are horrid, not just the little white lies people tell to be polite.

    6. That's so very true!

    7. *nods*

    8. I wish I could get that forgiveness thing down. :/

    9. That's true. I see it every day.

    10. Hmmmmm...reason and God.

  2. What a good blog. I was just considering those 6 rules. I have done that with my neck also. We feel generally bad when the neck is stiff. I am very bad at forgiving Jan and I know I'm wrong. About number 5 Jan, nothing could be more true. People believe what they want to believe.

  3. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. Jan I've just seen that. I love it. I am going to use it some time !

  4. Glad I'm not the only one. I won't let anybody do that to my neck Meow.

  5. The last chiropractor I visited scolded me for tensing up when he was attempting to crack my neck. It's a trust issue and I didn't trust him. *shrugs* I just have my husband do that for me now.

  6. It's cold and rainy here too. With the occasional sunny day to keep us happy ;)
    I like those rules. I'm not familiar with the books but it sounds like I have to have a look at them. I love books like that :)

  7. ooooh I want to read them when you're done! I'll return them!!! And, in case you didn't know already...wizards DO rule. hehehe

  8. I have a wizard,... well I keep telling him he's a wizard LOL

  9. But he's more like a lizard, right?

  10. Not quite, An Orange Dalmatian Harlequin Crested Gecko. (to you the full name).
    or to be short a Crested Gecko.

  11. Oh, I bet he's cute! What's his name? Is he fun to play with?

  12. Neo. I don't let him out (well not often) because he tends to jump around a lot and it's hard to catch him!!
    He does like to be talked to, he really likes that! He does change colour too, he'll go a darker shade of orange in the afternoon but at night that's when he's at his best colour, a really striking orange colour. (but then all lizard change colour)
    If I've been out, say down at my sisters and I come in and put the light on, he's like a big kid dancing around on his log waiting on me to speak to him LOL

  13. I just said out loud last night "I am so sick of the rain and cold weather!" and then realized it's JUST begun...ugh!

    That is awesome you are making money at this side biz! I really need to do something, but just can't see myself being able to sell a lot since I don't know that many people here still.

    Chiropractors are amazing and I LOVE getting my neck done....haha. That part always feels the best to me because I carry all my stress in my neck.

    I have never heard of these books, but they sound similar to the Harry Potter books....sort of. If I ever get back into reading, I'll have to check them out!

  14. Thanks for giving me another book to put on my must read list!

  15. I never knew that! Look what you can learn online! He sounds almost like a dog- happy to see you when you come in! I never thought of lizards as being cute, but he sounds that way!

  16. They are, but they're a little more adult. There are no steamy sex scenes or anything, but there's a lot of killing, rape, murder, executions... it is a medieval war! I wouldn't let a kid read them. Maybe by 15 or 16.

  17. Or 12... it is a huge series! And each book is 500-800 pages!

  18. Being honest it's like every animal, it's how you treat them. The more time you spend with them the more you'll get back in return.

  19. Very true Dave. I have a blue heeler dog- one of the smartest breeds there is- and I wish I had more time to work with her. You show her something once and she has it. I think I could teach her to do just about anything if I had the time.

  20. I'm not keen on smart dogs, they can pick up bad habits very fast. But that said if I were you I'd set up a dog agility course in the yard for her to go round, that way it keeps her mind stimulated.
    Even if you just took 20 mins to take the dog round, it'd stimulate the brain, daily. And (no offense) you'd loose weight. lol

  21. I have to agree! My last doggie was a Blue Heeler & American Pit Bull Terrier mix and she was so smart! Her mother and her grandmother were both pure Blue Heelers, and her dad was a Pit Bull, maybe a mix. Best dog I ever had; she died a few years ago and I still miss her.....always will.

  22. She is smart enough to try to train me sometimes. I have to watch her- she knows exactly what she can get by with.

    I hadn't thought of an agility course! She isn't terribly agile, but she is stout and strong. She likes to herd things. So maybe I could find some sheep or cows for her to play with. And you're right- the exercise wouldn't hurt me, either!

  23. Get some chickens. Free eggs and you'd have something to round them up lol
