Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm alive.... and my A, B, C's

I know I've been MIA far too long. I do miss being here a lot, but I started working full time three weeks ago. I haven't worked a 40 hour week in over 11 years. It is taking some getting-used to! It hasn't been too bad, but it leaves me less free time. (read: less computer time!) Coupled with an intense volleyball season by the the girl, and I have no free time at all! We're leaving for Atlanta on Thursday night for the last one, thank goodness. I've enjoyed it but will be happy to see the season end. Then in just over two weeks, we leave for Italy! I think right now I'm too tired to be excited, but I know that will change as we get ready to leave. Don't worry, I bought extra cards for my camera and will pack plenty of batteries!

I'll leave you tonight with more about me... ABC style!

A: Age - 44

B: Bed size - King sized, just for me. And yes, I sleep in the middle!

C: Chinese food dish - sesame ginger chicken

D: Dentist name - Hatchett (unfortunate name, huh? But he's a good dentist!)

E: Early bird or night owl - neither? I like going to bed early and sleeping late!

F: Favorite color - green. Unless you're talking flowers, then I like pink!

G: Gold or silver - gold

H: Height - 5'8"

I: Ink - blue medium point gel... oh, if you mean tattoos, I have none.

J: Jellybean - popcorn! (Don't eat too many!)

K: Kitchen meal or restaurant - both, depending on who is doing the dishes!

L: Living arrangements -  home in country (well, it used to be country, now is becoming suburban) with daughter, two step-sons, a dog, and my niece two nights a week usually.

M: Month of birth - October

N: Nicknames - Mom, Aunt NeeNeen

O: On time or late - on time if not early. I hate being late!

P: Pet peeve - coming home to a dirty kitchen after I left it clean!

Q: Quote from a movie - "Death cannot stop true love... all it can do is delay it for awhile." (see if you can guess before I tell you - and not you Kat, I know you'll get it!)

R: Right or left-handed - Right 

S: Siblings - one brother; three step sisters

T: Time you wake up -  6:30am weekdays, just depends on what is going on for Saturday; 8am on Sunday.

U: Urgent thing on your to-do list: Go to the bank for some euros; buy other things we'll need on our trip.

V: Vegetable you dislike: turnips

W: Wishing for - greater faith and more trust in God;

X: X-rays you've had - teeth; ankle

Y: Yummy food you make - baked beans, spring rolls, spaghetti

Z: Zoo favorite - sea lions