Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ten Tired Thoughts

1. I'm tired. It has been a long day.

2. I told a friend of mine that I'd keep her dogs while she and her family are at the beach this week. No big deal to go by and let them out three times a day and make sure they have water. No, the hard part is leaving them. These little puppies aren't used to being so alone. So I took a book and sat to read just so they could lay all over me for an hour. I might do that again tomorrow, too.

3. My back hurts. It was feeling better until I mowed the grass. Now it hurts again. The chiropractor told me not to mow the grass anymore. But who is going to if I don't? I'm not used to not doing whatever needs to be done.

4. I might fall asleep before I come up with ten thoughts.

5. Mean mom took the middle boy's truck away. Anyone else ever dealt with that "I don't want to grow up" syndrome? This 19 (almost 20) year old is getting a big wake-up call.

6. Yep. I need sleep. There isn't even anything on TV.

7. This is only thought #7.

8; Well, I made it to 8!

9. It was good to see that Dai could get into Multiply today. Leece is having fun with her daughter. And that the Netherlands are still in the World Cup. It seems like it is super-hot everywhere today. Amazing what you can learn in blog-land. It is better than watching the news!

10. I made it to 10! Good night!


  1. Perhaps.. the kids are old enough to learn how to mow?? Steve made both boys learn.. when they were around eleven or twelve.. and didn't tell ME.. until they were in high school.


  2. Boy howdy! Ain't that the truth!

    Hope you're feeling better soon! Hugs ~

  3. Good list! Glad you struggled through it, hahaha!

    You are a good doggy sitter :)

    And yes -- it is a news source of sorts, Multiply is, isn't it?

    Good night!

  4. When I did my pet sitting for 10 years, it was always so hard to make periodic trips to the house to let the dogs out because they were always so sad when I left and I did nothing but think of them when I wasn't there.

    When I started telling my clients I'd be more than happy to spend the night at their places, they were super siked, as were the dogs! Having me there, all the time, made it so much nicer for all of us, plus, I made a little extra money for watching the house too!

    May be something to consider....if you can!

  5. I'd bring the dogs home with me!! I know what you mean about being tired. I'm about dead today.

  6. Hope all gets better. Taking care of those puppies could give you the relaxation you need. We just got done taking care of an old Sheltie, a beagle, and two Jack Russells. We love it!

  7. Savannah is adamant that I not bring them home-- although I have permission from the owner. I guess she is worried about them mixing with our dog, who is much bigger. Or our dog being jealous... I don't exactly know!

  8. You made it to ten! I have a hard time making it to ten when I'm tired. Too much heatwave for me this week. I've got to find a beach. (-;

  9. Too hot at a beach... I'm looking for a cool mountain stream!

  10. Yeah.. too bad I didn't get that either. I did get a day in the sun watching softball!

  11. 10 great thoughts!
    I loved # 8 lol!

  12. Oh, sorry your back hurts That is the WORSE thing.....

    God bless you!!!

